Xtragrid 正在自动创建下一行,如何防止它
Xtragrid is creating next row automatically ,how to prevent it
检查当前行的任何列值是否为空,如果为空则不要在 xtragrid 中创建另一行
In the GridView, the new item row is an empty row that is used to
enter new records. It can be displayed above or below all data and
group rows. The new item row's position is specified by the GridView's
GridOptionsView.NewItemRowPosition property. If this property is set
to NewItemRowPosition.None, the new item row is hidden.
gridview adding new row without losing focus
Devexpress GridControl : Prevent new row added automatically
检查当前行的任何列值是否为空,如果为空则不要在 xtragrid 中创建另一行
In the GridView, the new item row is an empty row that is used to enter new records. It can be displayed above or below all data and group rows. The new item row's position is specified by the GridView's GridOptionsView.NewItemRowPosition property. If this property is set to NewItemRowPosition.None, the new item row is hidden.
gridview adding new row without losing focus
Devexpress GridControl : Prevent new row added automatically