如何在 vb6 递归中解析 xml-file

how to parse xml-file in vb6 recursive

我是 vb6 的新手,必须解析具有不同标签深度的 xml 文档,如下例所示:


我正在使用 MSXML 并尝试递归解决此问题。我的代码是:

  Set objXML = CreateObject("Msxml.DOMDocument")
  objXML.async = True
  objXML.Load "text.xml"

  Dim nodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList
  Dim node As IXMLDOMNode

  Set nodeList = objXML.selectNodes("*")

  For Each node In nodeList
    print node.nodeName  ' this works'
    printNode (node)     'here is the problem explained below'
  Next node
End Sub

Sub printNode(node As IXMLDOMNode)
  Dim xmlNode As IXMLDOMNode
  If node.hasChildNodes Then
    For Each xmlNode In node.childNodes
      printNode (xmlNode)
    Next xmlNode
    Print node.nodeName
  End If 
End Sub

问题是无法使用 类型的参数 node 调用 sub printNode ]IXmlDomNode。当我尝试 运行 程序时,我总是得到一个 运行timeerror 438,它说 object doesn't support this function


任何人都可以解释我的原因并给我提示 how/solution 我该如何解决这个问题?

您的代码中存在语法错误。如果您正在调用 Sub,您要么不将参数括在括号中,要么在 Sub 名称前使用 Call 关键字。

Public Sub Sub1()
    Set objXML = CreateObject("Msxml.DOMDocument")
    objXML.async = True
    objXML.Load "text.xml"

    Dim nodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList
    Dim node As IXMLDOMNode

    Set nodeList = objXML.selectNodes("*")

    For Each node In nodeList
        print node.nodeName  ' this works'
        Call printNode(node)     'here is the problem explained below'
    Next node
End Sub

Public Sub printNode(node As IXMLDOMNode)
    Dim xmlNode As IXMLDOMNode

    If node.hasChildNodes Then
        For Each xmlNode In node.childNodes
            Call printNode(xmlNode)
        Next xmlNode
        Print node.nodeName
    End If 
End Sub