在 susy gallery 旁边添加浮动区域的最佳方法?

Best way to add floating area beside susy gallery?

这是代码笔 link so far

图库中的项目数量基于搜索结果,但我希望右侧区域填充固定区域,当用户向下滚动搜索结果图库时该区域将保持在原位置.所以基本上,8 张中的最后 2 张带有 "card" 的样式与画廊卡片相同,但固定高度约为 2 张画廊卡片的高度。希望这是有道理的!

<div class="wrap">
  <div class="compare-gallery">
    <div class="gallery-item">
      <div class="gallery-image"><img src="http://fakeimg.pl/185x278/"></div>
        <div class="gallery-text">
          <h4>A title here</h4>
          <p>How's this? Would it helped if I got out and pushed? It might. Captain Solo, Captain Solo...sir, might I suggest that you... It can wait. he bucket of bolts is never going to get us past that blockade. This baby's got a few surprises left in her, sweetheart. Come on! Come on! Switch over. Let's hope we don't have a burnout. See? Someday you're going to be wrong, and I hope I'm there to see it. Punch it!</p>
    <div class="gallery-item">
      <div class="gallery-image"><img src="http://fakeimg.pl/185x278/"></div>
        <div class="gallery-text">
          <h4>A title here</h4>
          <p>How's this? Would it helped if I got out and pushed? It might. Captain Solo, Captain Solo...sir, might I suggest that you... It can wait. he bucket of bolts is never going to get us past that blockade. This baby's got a few surprises left in her, sweetheart. Come on! Come on! Switch over. Let's hope we don't have a burnout. See? Someday you're going to be wrong, and I hope I'm there to see it. Punch it!</p>
    <div class="gallery-item">
      <div class="gallery-image"><img src="http://fakeimg.pl/185x278/"></div>
        <div class="gallery-text">
          <h4>A title here</h4>
          <p>How's this? Would it helped if I got out and pushed? It might. Captain Solo, Captain Solo...sir, might I suggest that you... It can wait. he bucket of bolts is never going to get us past that blockade. This baby's got a few surprises left in her, sweetheart. Come on! Come on! Switch over. Let's hope we don't have a burnout. See? Someday you're going to be wrong, and I hope I'm there to see it. Punch it!</p>
    <div class="gallery-item">
      <div class="gallery-image"><img src="http://fakeimg.pl/185x278/"></div>
        <div class="gallery-text">
          <h4>A title here</h4>
          <p>How's this? Would it helped if I got out and pushed? It might. Captain Solo, Captain Solo...sir, might I suggest that you... It can wait. he bucket of bolts is never going to get us past that blockade. This baby's got a few surprises left in her, sweetheart. Come on! Come on! Switch over. Let's hope we don't have a burnout. See? Someday you're going to be wrong, and I hope I'm there to see it. Punch it!</p>


@import 'susy';
@import 'compass';
@include border-box-sizing;

.compare-gallery {
  @include clearfix;
  margin-top: 80px;

.gallery-item {
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
  @include box-shadow(0 10px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19), 0 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23));
  @include gallery(3 of 8 split);
  margin-bottom: gutter(8);
  .gallery-image {
    float: left;
  .gallery-text {
    h5 {
      float: right;

这是我希望 'floating' 元素所在位置的图像:

您想添加一个固定的 div,如:

.page-side {
  width: 200px;

right:0px 将 div 右对齐。

确保您的主 div 没有与右侧 div 重叠。

basic example to show the idea.