C 中的 BOM 字节序

BOM endian in C

我知道 Big Endian 和 Little Endian 可以使用 BOM 进行编码,从而将它们泄露出去,但我很困惑如何在给定文件的情况下在 C 中对其进行评估。

00 00 FE FF -> UTF-32, big-endian
FF FE 00 00 -> UTF-32, little-endian
FE FF -> UTF-16, big-endian
FF FE -> UTF-16, little-endian

我有这段代码可以从文件中获取字节,但是假设文件以 BOM \xFF\xFE 或 [=21= 开头,我怎么知道它是小端还是大端 UTF-16 ].

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
unsigned char c;

FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "r");

while (fread(&c, sizeof(char), 1, f) == 1){
 fprintf(stdout, "%x\n", c);

包含此 BOM 的文件是什么样的? (在字节或常规文本中)? 我希望有人能帮帮忙。谢谢

我很困惑如何读取文件并测试包含 BOM 的第一个或多个字节是小端还是大端?我该怎么做?


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned char c[4];

    if (argc != 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s file\n", argv[0]);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "rb");  // b for Windows; a no-op on Unix

    if (f == 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to open file %s for reading\n",
                argv[0], argv[1]);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    size_t nbytes = fread(c, sizeof(char), sizeof(c), f);
    if (nbytes == 2)
        /* UTF16 with BOM only? */
        if (c[0] == 0xFE && c[1] == 0xFF)
        else if (c[0] == 0xFF && c[1] == 0xFE)
            printf("Two random (non-UTF) bytes 0x%.2X and 0x%.2X\n", c[0], c[1]);
    else if (nbytes == 4)
        if (memcmp(c, "\xFF\xFE\x00\x00", 4) == 0)
        else if (memcmp(c, "\x00\x00\xFE\xFF", 4) == 0)
        else if (memcmp(c, "\xFE\xFF", 2) == 0)
        else if (memcmp(c, "\xFF\xFE", 2) == 0)
            printf("Four random (non-UTF) bytes 0x%.2X, 0x%.2X, 0x%.2X, 0x%.2X\n",
                   c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: Odd-ball data size %zu (expected 2 or 3) - no diagnosis\n", argv[0], nbytes);

        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    return 0;


$ cat chk.sh     
for file in utf-*
    ls -l $file
    odx $file | sed 2d
    printf 'File: %-12s - content: %s\n' $file $(utf61 $file)
$ sh chk.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 jleffler rd 4 Sep 19 15:01 utf-16BE
0x0000: FE FF 00 30                                       ...0
File: utf-16BE     - content: UTF-16BE
-rw-r--r-- 1 jleffler rd 2 Sep 19 15:01 utf-16BE.2
0x0000: FE FF                                             ..
File: utf-16BE.2   - content: UTF-16BE
-rw-r--r-- 1 jleffler rd 4 Sep 19 15:01 utf-16LE
0x0000: FF FE 30 00                                       ..0.
File: utf-16LE     - content: UTF-16LE
-rw-r--r-- 1 jleffler rd 2 Sep 19 15:01 utf-16LE.2
0x0000: FF FE                                             ..
File: utf-16LE.2   - content: UTF-16LE
-rw-r--r-- 1 jleffler rd 4 Sep 19 15:01 utf-32BE
0x0000: 00 00 FE FF                                       ....
File: utf-32BE     - content: UTF-32BE
-rw-r--r-- 1 jleffler rd 4 Sep 19 15:01 utf-32LE
0x0000: FF FE 00 00                                       ....
File: utf-32LE     - content: UTF-32LE


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
    char bom[4];
    FILE *fp = fopen("file.txt", "rb");

    if (fp == NULL)
            return 1;       /* or EXIT_FAILURE, but would need <stdlib.h> */

    if (fread(bom, 1, 4, fp) < 2 && feof(fp) || ferror(fp))
            fprintf(stderr, "Error occurred with fread() or file malformed.\n");
            return 1;

    if (memcmp(bom, "\x00\x00\xFE\xFF", 4) == 0)
            printf("UTF-32, big-endian.\n");
    else if (memcmp(bom, "\xFF\xFE\x00\x00", 4) == 0)
            printf("UTF-32, little-endian.\n");
    else if (memcmp(bom, "\xFE\xFF", 2) == 0)
            printf("UTF-16, big-endian.\n");
    else if (memcmp(bom, "\xFF\xFE", 2) == 0)
            printf("UTF-16, little-endian.\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "Malformed BOM.\n");
            return 1;

    return 0;

C Reading file with BOM to test if UTF16 LE or BE

OP似乎也想区分其他的:UTF-32、BE和UTF-32 LE

一定要以二进制模式打开文件。要以 text 模式打开,BOM 可能会被 fopen() 消耗并且在后续读取操作中看不到。

有多种BOM编码可以区分。 This lists 10+。例如,让我们使用:UTF32BE、UTF16LE、UTF8。这些可以通过读取几个固定数量的字符或通过一次读取 1 个字节来确定。提示:它被称为 "byte" 订单标记。需要小心处理非常短的文件。

而不是将候选 BOM 放入 代码,下面将它们放入 数据结构 以便清晰、易于扩展和维护。

#define BOM_MAX_LEN 5

const char *BOM_Name(FILE *f) {
  static const struct BOM {
    char *name;
    size_t length;
    unsigned char signature[BOM_MAX_LEN];
  } BOM[] = {                                        // Various UTF encodings
      { "UTF8", 3, { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF } },           // UTF8
      { "UTF16LE", 2, { 0xFF, 0xFE } },              // UTF16LE
      { "UTF32BE", 4, { 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF } },  // UTF32BE
      // Add others as desired.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark
      { NULL, 0, { 0 } } };

  unsigned char BOM_Signature[BOM_MAX_LEN];
  rewind(f);  // Only file beginning
  size_t length = fread(BOM_Signature, 1, BOM_MAX_LEN, f);

  for (size_t i = 0; BOM[i].length; i++) {
    if (length >= BOM[i].length 
        && memcmp(BOM_Signature, BOM[i].signature, BOM[i].length) == 0) {
      fseek(f, BOM[i].length, SEEK_SET);  // Leave file position to just after BOM
      return BOM[i].name;
  return NULL;

注意 提到的非唯一性冲突:1) UTF16-LE BOM 与以下 16 位 0 对比 2) UTF32-LE BOM。此方法将接受首先测试的任何 BOM 编码。我建议在 UTF16-LE 之前列出 UTF32-LE,否则它永远不会被检测到。一个强大的解决方案将更深入地测试文件以尝试解决方案。 (未在此答案中显示)