数组未传递给 knex 中的查询

Array not being passed to query in knex

我正在将 id 数组从 get 查询传递到 knex whereIn 函数,但它们丢失了。

  var cols = query.cols.map(Number);
  search.whereIn('collection_id', cols)


[ 77, 66 ]


...and "collection_id" in (?, ?) 


这些值显示为字符串,因为 knex 要求将数组作为包含数组中的参数传递。来自 raw bindings 的文档:

Note that due to ambiguity, arrays must be passed as arguments within a containing array.

knex.raw('select * from users where id in (?)', [1, 2, 3]);
// Error: Expected 3 bindings, saw 1

knex.raw('select * from users where id in (?)', [[1, 2, 3]])
select * from users where id in (1, 2, 3)

您可以通过在数组本身中传递 cols 数组来解决此问题:

if (query.cols) {
  var cols = query.cols.map(Number);
  search.whereIn('collection_id', [cols])

根据关于原始参数绑定的 Knex 文档,我们需要为数组中将绑定到查询的每个元素添加 ?

Since there is no unified syntax for array bindings, instead you need to treat them as multiple values by adding ? directly in your query. http://knexjs.org/#Raw-Bindings

const myArray = [1,2,3]
knex.raw('select * from users where id in (' + myArray.map(_ => '?').join(',') + ')', [...myArray]);
// query will become: select * from users where id in (?, ?, ?) with bindings [1,2,3]


而不是 knex.row 我使用 whereRaw 这里是代码

const whereClause= [ 75, 76 ]

//if array length is 0 then have this
//`select * from "users" where id!=0`
     if(whereClause.length <= 0) {
            whereClause= [ 0 ]
        console.log(  knex('users').whereRaw("id!="+whereClause.map(_ => '?').join(' and id!='), [...whereClause]).toString())