linux clearcase 动态视图中的额外目录条目

Extra directory entries in clearcase dynamic view on linux

为什么我在动态视图的根目录中看到所有根文件系统目录?例如,当我 ls/view/myview 我看到 binbootdevetchomelib 以及通常位于 /.
中的所有其他内容 我可以忽略这些条目并将目录更改为 VOB,其他一切都在我期望的位置。多年来,我一直在 Windows 中使用 clearcase。我习惯于只在动态视图的根目录中看到已安装的 VOB。

我知道 VOB 在 / 中也可见,setview 命令将在根 VOB 条目中设置特定视图。

有什么选项可以让我打开 off/on 来删除这些 'extra' 条目吗?
这就是 MVFS 在 linux 上的工作方式吗?


我在 CentOS 7.2 上使用 clearcase。

Are they there for a good reason? Is this just how MVFS works on linux?

参见“About the /view view root directory which is located in the root partition of a ClearCase server

Recommendations and precautions

NEVER perform a recursive removal of /view while ClearCase is running because it will result in severe data loss caused because by what was described in the point above.

Since /view/<viewname> contains the entire root filesystem, recursive removal starting at /view will act upon all files from / down -- even non-ClearCase files -- causing many to be removed. This is especially true if the recursive directory removal is performed by the root user, causing very dire results.

If you should ever need to remove the /view directory mountpoint, you must ensure that ClearCase is stopped completely.
Also, do not perform a recursive removal, instead only remove the directory mountpoint itself.


Is there some option that can I turn off/on to remove these 'extra' entries?


element bin -none
element etc -none


需要这些 "extra" 目录来支持 cleartool setview 命令。此命令 "roots" 在视图根目录中新建 shell。如果这些 "mirrors" 的各种 "actual" 根目录条目不存在,您将无法执行几乎所有不是当前 shell 的编译部分的操作。

不能禁用它们,因为这实际上会使 setview 操作无用。