`git describe` 中的散列指的是什么?

what does the hash from `git describe` refer to?

$ git describe --tags --long
           \_ ???

g3c31c73 似乎没有指向任何东西...... doc 说它是 最近提交的缩写对象名称 ,但它不是 HEAD 提交哈希,find .git/objects -type f | grep g3c31c73 什么也没找到。

"g" 不是提交的一部分。

尝试使用 git show 3c31c73.

查找提交 3c31c73

来自git-describe doc

The "g" prefix stands for "git" and is used to allow describing the version of a software depending on the SCM the software is managed with. This is useful in an environment where people may use different SCMs.