在 Android Studio 的远程服务器上构建本地 gradle 应用程序

Build local gradle app on remote server in Android Studio

我当前项目的大小(包括依赖项)一直在增长,这意味着现在在我的本地计算机上创建当前 gradle build.

大约需要 2 分钟

我们已经有一个 CI 系统,它是建立在推送上的,但是还有一种方法可以使用云资源构建本地版本并将其拉回本地机器进行测试和调试吗?模拟器或连接的设备?

是的,一个解决方案是购买一台速度更快的 PC,但这并不能很好地扩展,而且我们的工程团队也在不断壮大。因此,租用 cloudserver 来承担繁重的 CPU 工作将是一个非常经济的选择。

  1. 我们可以使用mainframer or Mirakle to move the build process to remote machine. Check this article for more detail. We can run Docker container in remote-machine along with mainframer. Check this

The basic principle upon which they both operate is that they open an SSH connection to the build executor, perform an rsync of your development folder to copy across any changes (such as edited source files) to the executor, run the build, and then perform a second rsync to copy the changes (including the compiled APK) back to your development machine.

  1. 我们可以利用 Gradle 构建缓存服务器。 Gradle 自 2016 年 11 月以来一直在使用构建缓存,构建时间中位数减少了 15%。查看 this and this 了解更多信息。

The recommended setup for the build cache is that your continuous integration server populates the remote build cache with the artifacts of clean builds. Developers will just pull from the remote cache and push to a local build cache.
