Writing a word puzzle solver and getting segmentation fault freeing heap memory
我在堆内存方面遇到了一些问题。我正在用 C 编写一些代码来解决单词谜题——(来自英国的一个名为 Countdown 的游戏)。游戏是给你 9 个字母,目标是尽可能拼出最长的单词。
如果我注释掉对 free() 的所有调用,我的代码就可以工作(尽管我还没有完全测试它),但是当我将 free 调用放入时,我会遇到分段错误。我有 运行 valgrind 并收到类似 "Address 0x9cbe627 is 7 bytes inside a block of size 9 free'd" 和 "invalid read of size 1." 的错误消息
任何人都可以看看并解释发生了什么事吗? (下面给出代码)我将不胜感激!
* Program to solve word puzzles from the TV show Countdown. Asks for 9
* letters for input and then prints out the
* maximum score and an example word of that score
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <string.h>
uses recursion to iterate over combinations of size "length" from
data[] of size "lengthData." Stores combinations generated in
combination[] and permutations in permutation[]. For each combination
calls checkPermutations to iterate over all permutations
of the combination checking against a dictionary for word matches
returning true if a match is found
bool checkForWords(char data[], int lengthData, int length, char
combination[], int lengthCombination, char permutation[]);
* takes in an array - (in practice combination[] from main()) and
* iterates through all the permutations of the array storing
* generated permutations in permutation[] by using recursion. For
* each checks against a dictionary for word match. Returns true
* when match is found
bool checkPermutations(char data[], int lengthData, char permutation[],
int lengthPermutation);
* takes an array of some length and an index and then retruns a
* pointer to an array on the heap that is the same but with the
* elements at the index and to the left removed and then remaining
* elements "shifted down"
char* removeLeftOfIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index);
* takes an array of some length and index position and returns a
* pointer to an array on the heap that has the element removed
* and remaining elements "shifted down"
char* removeElementAtIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index);
int main(void)
char letters[9];
// getting letters
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
printf("Please enter letter %i: ", i + 1);
letters[i] = GetChar();
// formatting
// iterating over the length of word to look for starting at 9 and
for (int i = 9; i > 0; i--)
char* data = malloc(9 * sizeof(char));
char* permutation = malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
char* combination = malloc(9 * sizeof(char));
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
data[j] = letters[j];
// checks to see if there is a word of length i
if (checkForWords(data, 9, i, combination, i, permutation) == true)
printf("Max score: %i\nExample word: %s\n", i, permutation);
return 0;
// no words found
printf("Max score: 0\nNo words can be made\n");
return 0;
bool checkForWords(char data[], int lengthData, int length, char
combination[], int lengthCombination, char permutation[])
// base recursive case
if (length == 0)
// checks for permutations for the fixed combination
return checkPermutations(combination, lengthCombination, permutation, lengthCombination);
// generating combination by fixing one element and the recursively generating and checking
for (int j = 0; j <= lengthData - length; ++j)
// fixes one element
combination[lengthCombination - length] = data[j];
// recursive part
if (checkForWords(removeLeftOfIndex(data, lengthData, j), lengthData - j - 1, length - 1, combination,
lengthCombination, permutation) == true)
return true;
return false;
bool checkPermutations(char data[], int lengthData, char permutation[], int lengthPermutation)
// base recursive case
if (lengthData == 0)
// null character for printing string later
permutation[lengthPermutation] = '[=10=]';
// checking against dictionary - make this much faster with binary search!!!!
FILE* dictionary= fopen("/usr/share/dict/words", "r");
char word[15];
while (fgets(word, sizeof(word), dictionary) != NULL)
// checks to see if match
if (strncmp(permutation, word, lengthPermutation) == 0)
return true;
// not in dictionary
return false;
// generating permutations and checking for words by fixing one element and then using recursion.
for (int j = 0; j < lengthData; j++)
// fixing element
permutation[lengthPermutation - lengthData] = data[j];
// recursive part
if (checkPermutations(removeElementAtIndex(data, lengthData, j), lengthData - 1, permutation, lengthPermutation) == true)
return true;
return false;
char* removeLeftOfIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index)
// allocating heap memory
char* newData = malloc((lengthData - index - 1) * sizeof(char));
// loop to copy relevant parts
for (int j = 0; j < lengthData - index - 1; j++)
newData[j] = data[j + index + 1];
return newData;
char* removeElementAtIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index)
// allocating heap memory
char* newData = malloc((lengthData - 1) * sizeof(char));
// loops to copy relevant parts
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
newData[i] = data[i];
for(int i = index; i < lengthData - 1; i++)
newData[i] = data[i + 1];
return newData;
可能还值得一提的是,当我尝试调试时,在代码中最后一个函数的实现中调用 malloc()
// allocating heap memory
char* newData = malloc((lengthData - 1) * sizeof(char));
您的代码是内存分配和释放的蜘蛛网。我对其进行了重新设计,因此内存分配更有意义(无论如何对我来说。)让其调用者的子例程释放内存是奇怪的 - 相反是好的,让调用者释放 return 结果一个子程序。
* Program to solve word puzzles from the TV show Countdown.
* Asks for 9 letters for input and then prints out the
* maximum score and an example word of that score
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
uses recursion to iterate over combinations of size "length" from
data[] of size "lengthData." Stores combinations generated in
combination[] and permutations in permutation[]. For each combination
calls checkPermutations to iterate over all permutations
of the combination checking against a dictionary for word matches
returning true if a match is found
bool checkForWords(char data[], int lengthData, int length, char combination[], int lengthCombination, char permutation[]);
* takes in an array - (in practice combination[] from main()) and
* iterates through all the permutations of the array storing
* generated permutations in permutation[] by using recursion. For
* each checks against a dictionary for word match. Returns true
* when match is found
bool checkPermutations(char data[], int lengthData, char permutation[], int lengthPermutation);
* takes an array of some length and an index and then returns a
* pointer to an array on the heap that is the same but with the
* elements at the index and to the left removed and then remaining
* elements "shifted down"
char *removeLeftOfIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index);
* takes an array of some length and index position and returns a
* pointer to an array on the heap that has the element removed
* and remaining elements "shifted down"
char *removeElementAtIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index);
#define LETTER_COUNT (9)
int main(void)
char letters[LETTER_COUNT];
// getting letters
for (int i = 0; i < LETTER_COUNT; i++)
printf("Please enter letter %i: ", i + 1);
letters[i] = GetChar();
// formatting
bool success = false;
char *data = malloc(LETTER_COUNT);
char *permutation = malloc(LETTER_COUNT + 1);
char *combination = malloc(LETTER_COUNT);
// iterating over the length of word to look for starting at 9 and decrementing
for (int i = LETTER_COUNT; i > 0; i--)
(void) strncpy(data, letters, LETTER_COUNT);
// checks to see if there is a word of length i
if (checkForWords(data, LETTER_COUNT, i, combination, i, permutation))
printf("Max score: %i\nExample word: %s\n", i, permutation);
success = true;
if (!success)
printf("Max score: 0\nNo words can be made\n");
bool checkForWords(char data[], int lengthData, int length, char combination[], int lengthCombination, char permutation[])
// base recursive case
if (length == 0)
// checks for permutations for the fixed combination
return checkPermutations(combination, lengthCombination, permutation, lengthCombination);
// generating combination by fixing one element and the recursively generating and checking
for (int j = 0; j <= lengthData - length; ++j)
// fixes one element
combination[lengthCombination - length] = data[j];
// recursive part
char *reduced = removeLeftOfIndex(data, lengthData, j);
if (checkForWords(reduced, lengthData - j - 1, length - 1, combination, lengthCombination, permutation))
return true;
return false;
bool checkPermutations(char data[], int lengthData, char permutation[], int lengthPermutation)
// base recursive case
if (lengthData == 0)
// null character for printing string later
permutation[lengthPermutation] = '[=10=]';
// checking against dictionary - make this much faster with binary search!!!!
FILE* dictionary= fopen("/usr/share/dict/words", "r");
char word[64];
while (fgets(word, sizeof(word), dictionary) != NULL)
// checks to see if match
if (strncmp(permutation, word, lengthPermutation) == 0)
return true;
// not in dictionary
return false;
// generating permutations and checking for words by fixing one element and then using recursion.
for (int j = 0; j < lengthData; j++)
// fixing element
permutation[lengthPermutation - lengthData] = data[j];
// recursive part
char *reduced = removeElementAtIndex(data, lengthData, j);
if (checkPermutations(reduced, lengthData - 1, permutation, lengthPermutation))
return true;
return false;
char *removeLeftOfIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index)
// allocating heap memory
char *newData = malloc(lengthData - index - 1);
// loop to copy relevant parts
for (int j = 0; j < lengthData - index - 1; j++)
newData[j] = data[j + index + 1];
return newData;
char *removeElementAtIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index)
// allocating heap memory
char *newData = malloc(lengthData - 1);
// loops to copy relevant parts
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
newData[i] = data[i];
for (int i = index; i < lengthData - 1; i++)
newData[i] = data[i + 1];
return newData;
我在堆内存方面遇到了一些问题。我正在用 C 编写一些代码来解决单词谜题——(来自英国的一个名为 Countdown 的游戏)。游戏是给你 9 个字母,目标是尽可能拼出最长的单词。
如果我注释掉对 free() 的所有调用,我的代码就可以工作(尽管我还没有完全测试它),但是当我将 free 调用放入时,我会遇到分段错误。我有 运行 valgrind 并收到类似 "Address 0x9cbe627 is 7 bytes inside a block of size 9 free'd" 和 "invalid read of size 1." 的错误消息
任何人都可以看看并解释发生了什么事吗? (下面给出代码)我将不胜感激!
* Program to solve word puzzles from the TV show Countdown. Asks for 9
* letters for input and then prints out the
* maximum score and an example word of that score
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <string.h>
uses recursion to iterate over combinations of size "length" from
data[] of size "lengthData." Stores combinations generated in
combination[] and permutations in permutation[]. For each combination
calls checkPermutations to iterate over all permutations
of the combination checking against a dictionary for word matches
returning true if a match is found
bool checkForWords(char data[], int lengthData, int length, char
combination[], int lengthCombination, char permutation[]);
* takes in an array - (in practice combination[] from main()) and
* iterates through all the permutations of the array storing
* generated permutations in permutation[] by using recursion. For
* each checks against a dictionary for word match. Returns true
* when match is found
bool checkPermutations(char data[], int lengthData, char permutation[],
int lengthPermutation);
* takes an array of some length and an index and then retruns a
* pointer to an array on the heap that is the same but with the
* elements at the index and to the left removed and then remaining
* elements "shifted down"
char* removeLeftOfIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index);
* takes an array of some length and index position and returns a
* pointer to an array on the heap that has the element removed
* and remaining elements "shifted down"
char* removeElementAtIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index);
int main(void)
char letters[9];
// getting letters
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
printf("Please enter letter %i: ", i + 1);
letters[i] = GetChar();
// formatting
// iterating over the length of word to look for starting at 9 and
for (int i = 9; i > 0; i--)
char* data = malloc(9 * sizeof(char));
char* permutation = malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
char* combination = malloc(9 * sizeof(char));
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
data[j] = letters[j];
// checks to see if there is a word of length i
if (checkForWords(data, 9, i, combination, i, permutation) == true)
printf("Max score: %i\nExample word: %s\n", i, permutation);
return 0;
// no words found
printf("Max score: 0\nNo words can be made\n");
return 0;
bool checkForWords(char data[], int lengthData, int length, char
combination[], int lengthCombination, char permutation[])
// base recursive case
if (length == 0)
// checks for permutations for the fixed combination
return checkPermutations(combination, lengthCombination, permutation, lengthCombination);
// generating combination by fixing one element and the recursively generating and checking
for (int j = 0; j <= lengthData - length; ++j)
// fixes one element
combination[lengthCombination - length] = data[j];
// recursive part
if (checkForWords(removeLeftOfIndex(data, lengthData, j), lengthData - j - 1, length - 1, combination,
lengthCombination, permutation) == true)
return true;
return false;
bool checkPermutations(char data[], int lengthData, char permutation[], int lengthPermutation)
// base recursive case
if (lengthData == 0)
// null character for printing string later
permutation[lengthPermutation] = '[=10=]';
// checking against dictionary - make this much faster with binary search!!!!
FILE* dictionary= fopen("/usr/share/dict/words", "r");
char word[15];
while (fgets(word, sizeof(word), dictionary) != NULL)
// checks to see if match
if (strncmp(permutation, word, lengthPermutation) == 0)
return true;
// not in dictionary
return false;
// generating permutations and checking for words by fixing one element and then using recursion.
for (int j = 0; j < lengthData; j++)
// fixing element
permutation[lengthPermutation - lengthData] = data[j];
// recursive part
if (checkPermutations(removeElementAtIndex(data, lengthData, j), lengthData - 1, permutation, lengthPermutation) == true)
return true;
return false;
char* removeLeftOfIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index)
// allocating heap memory
char* newData = malloc((lengthData - index - 1) * sizeof(char));
// loop to copy relevant parts
for (int j = 0; j < lengthData - index - 1; j++)
newData[j] = data[j + index + 1];
return newData;
char* removeElementAtIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index)
// allocating heap memory
char* newData = malloc((lengthData - 1) * sizeof(char));
// loops to copy relevant parts
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
newData[i] = data[i];
for(int i = index; i < lengthData - 1; i++)
newData[i] = data[i + 1];
return newData;
可能还值得一提的是,当我尝试调试时,在代码中最后一个函数的实现中调用 malloc()
// allocating heap memory
char* newData = malloc((lengthData - 1) * sizeof(char));
您的代码是内存分配和释放的蜘蛛网。我对其进行了重新设计,因此内存分配更有意义(无论如何对我来说。)让其调用者的子例程释放内存是奇怪的 - 相反是好的,让调用者释放 return 结果一个子程序。
* Program to solve word puzzles from the TV show Countdown.
* Asks for 9 letters for input and then prints out the
* maximum score and an example word of that score
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
uses recursion to iterate over combinations of size "length" from
data[] of size "lengthData." Stores combinations generated in
combination[] and permutations in permutation[]. For each combination
calls checkPermutations to iterate over all permutations
of the combination checking against a dictionary for word matches
returning true if a match is found
bool checkForWords(char data[], int lengthData, int length, char combination[], int lengthCombination, char permutation[]);
* takes in an array - (in practice combination[] from main()) and
* iterates through all the permutations of the array storing
* generated permutations in permutation[] by using recursion. For
* each checks against a dictionary for word match. Returns true
* when match is found
bool checkPermutations(char data[], int lengthData, char permutation[], int lengthPermutation);
* takes an array of some length and an index and then returns a
* pointer to an array on the heap that is the same but with the
* elements at the index and to the left removed and then remaining
* elements "shifted down"
char *removeLeftOfIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index);
* takes an array of some length and index position and returns a
* pointer to an array on the heap that has the element removed
* and remaining elements "shifted down"
char *removeElementAtIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index);
#define LETTER_COUNT (9)
int main(void)
char letters[LETTER_COUNT];
// getting letters
for (int i = 0; i < LETTER_COUNT; i++)
printf("Please enter letter %i: ", i + 1);
letters[i] = GetChar();
// formatting
bool success = false;
char *data = malloc(LETTER_COUNT);
char *permutation = malloc(LETTER_COUNT + 1);
char *combination = malloc(LETTER_COUNT);
// iterating over the length of word to look for starting at 9 and decrementing
for (int i = LETTER_COUNT; i > 0; i--)
(void) strncpy(data, letters, LETTER_COUNT);
// checks to see if there is a word of length i
if (checkForWords(data, LETTER_COUNT, i, combination, i, permutation))
printf("Max score: %i\nExample word: %s\n", i, permutation);
success = true;
if (!success)
printf("Max score: 0\nNo words can be made\n");
bool checkForWords(char data[], int lengthData, int length, char combination[], int lengthCombination, char permutation[])
// base recursive case
if (length == 0)
// checks for permutations for the fixed combination
return checkPermutations(combination, lengthCombination, permutation, lengthCombination);
// generating combination by fixing one element and the recursively generating and checking
for (int j = 0; j <= lengthData - length; ++j)
// fixes one element
combination[lengthCombination - length] = data[j];
// recursive part
char *reduced = removeLeftOfIndex(data, lengthData, j);
if (checkForWords(reduced, lengthData - j - 1, length - 1, combination, lengthCombination, permutation))
return true;
return false;
bool checkPermutations(char data[], int lengthData, char permutation[], int lengthPermutation)
// base recursive case
if (lengthData == 0)
// null character for printing string later
permutation[lengthPermutation] = '[=10=]';
// checking against dictionary - make this much faster with binary search!!!!
FILE* dictionary= fopen("/usr/share/dict/words", "r");
char word[64];
while (fgets(word, sizeof(word), dictionary) != NULL)
// checks to see if match
if (strncmp(permutation, word, lengthPermutation) == 0)
return true;
// not in dictionary
return false;
// generating permutations and checking for words by fixing one element and then using recursion.
for (int j = 0; j < lengthData; j++)
// fixing element
permutation[lengthPermutation - lengthData] = data[j];
// recursive part
char *reduced = removeElementAtIndex(data, lengthData, j);
if (checkPermutations(reduced, lengthData - 1, permutation, lengthPermutation))
return true;
return false;
char *removeLeftOfIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index)
// allocating heap memory
char *newData = malloc(lengthData - index - 1);
// loop to copy relevant parts
for (int j = 0; j < lengthData - index - 1; j++)
newData[j] = data[j + index + 1];
return newData;
char *removeElementAtIndex(char data[], int lengthData, int index)
// allocating heap memory
char *newData = malloc(lengthData - 1);
// loops to copy relevant parts
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
newData[i] = data[i];
for (int i = index; i < lengthData - 1; i++)
newData[i] = data[i + 1];
return newData;