POST base64 编码文件到 google 语音 api 使用 perl

POST base64 encoded file to google speech api using perl

在将 json 字符串发布到 google 语音 api 时,我无法将 FLAC 音频文件编码为 base64。我注意到 google 的回复中有几个 \n,不确定 base64 是否不够好,或者我没有完全掌握如何构建这样的字符串并制作它们 json- y足以满足google。我倾向于使用 utf-8 编码,但我最后一次尝试进一步处理要发送的信息时,却收到了来自 perl 的大量其他错误消息。任何指针都将是一个很大的帮助! (即使指针是放弃自己做这个并支付支持费用google)

Error message:
      "error": {
        "code": 400,
        "message": "Invalid value at 'audio.content' (TYPE_BYTES), Base64 decoding failed for "ZkxhQwAAACIQABAAAAlJABQpAfQA8AABS+DDBqlWu7Ba27gz/koR4+04AwAAJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\nAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAATAAAAAAAAABQ5kQAAQAACggAAAAcmVmZXJlbmNlIGxpYkZMQUMgMS4zLjAg\nMjAxMzA1MjYAAAAAgQA...


#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Render speech to text using the google cloud speech engine.
# Kruft Industries Sept. 2016
# Intended to replace work by the following(not sure where this is hosted): GNU General Public License Version 2 Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012, Lefteris Zafiris 
# <>
# The script takes as input flac files at 8kHz and returns the following values: status : Return status. 0 means success, non zero values indicating different 
# errors.
# Outputs a voice transcription that satisfies the input of sendmailmp3 for freepbx authored by the above Zafiris I am by no means an expert with the perl 
# language, Please forgive any blaring ugliness :)

use utf8;
use MIME::Base64;
use strict;
use warnings; 
use LWP::UserAgent; 

if (!@ARGV || $ARGV[0] eq '-h' || $ARGV[0] eq '--help') {
    print "Speech recognition using google cloud speech api.\n\n";
    print "Usage: [=14=] [FILES]\n\n";
my $url = " KEY HERE"; 

my @file_list = @ARGV; foreach my $file 
(@file_list) {
    print "Opening $file\n";
    open(my $fh, "<", "$file") or die "Cant read file: $!";
    my $audio = do { local $/; <$fh> };

my $flac = encode_base64url($audio);

my $json = '{"config":{"encoding":"FLAC","sample_rate":8000,"language_code":"en-US"},"audio":{"content":"' . $flac . '"}}';

my $req = HTTP::Request->new( 'POST', $url );
$req->header( 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' );
$req->content( $json );

my $lwp = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $lwp->request($req);

print $response->as_string; #debug output google's reply headers and message
last if (!$response->is_success);

print $response->content; #debug output the full transcript
    my $doodle = $response->content;
    $doodle =~ s/.*\"transcript\"://g;
$doodle =~ s/}\],.*//g;
$doodle =~ s/^{\"result\":\[\]}/{\"result\":/g;
$doodle =~ s/\R//g;
$doodle =~ s/\*/_/g;
    print $doodle;

      sub encode_base64url{
         my($data) = @_;
         return 0 unless $data;
         $data = encode_base64($data);
         $data =~ tr#\-_#+/#;

这是更正后的脚本。这应该有很多帮助,我可能会更新标题和描述以防止重复问题!谢谢你给我指明了正确的方向,Christopher Oicles!

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Render speech to text using the google cloud speech engine.
# Kruft Industries Sept. 2016
# Intended to replace work by the following(not sure where this is hosted): GNU General Public License Version 2 Copyright (C) 2011 - 2012, Lefteris Zafiris 
# <>
# The script takes as input flac files at 8kHz and returns the following values: status : Return status. 0 means success, non zero values indicating different 
# errors.
# Outputs a voice transcription that satisfies the input of sendmailmp3 for freepbx authored by the above Zafiris I am by no means an expert with the perl 
# language, Please forgive any blaring ugliness :)

use utf8;
use MIME::Base64;
use strict;
use warnings; 
use LWP::UserAgent; 

if (!@ARGV || $ARGV[0] eq '-h' || $ARGV[0] eq '--help') {
print "Speech recognition using google cloud speech api.\n\n";
print "Usage: [=10=] [FILES]\n\n";
my $url = " KEY GOES HERE"; 

my @file_list = @ARGV; foreach my $file 
(@file_list) {
print "Opening $file\n";
open(my $fh, "<", "$file") or die "Cant read file: $!";
my $audio = do { local $/; <$fh> };

my $flac = encode_base64url($audio);

my $json = '{"config":{"encoding":"FLAC","sample_rate":8000,"language_code":"en-US"},"audio":{"content":"' . $flac . '"}}';

my $req = HTTP::Request->new( 'POST', $url );
$req->header( 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' );
$req->content( $json );

my $lwp = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $lwp->request($req);

#print $response->as_string; #debug output google's reply headers and message
last if (!$response->is_success);

#print $response->content; #debug output the full transcript
    my $doodle = $response->content;
    $doodle =~ s/.*\"transcript\"://g;
$doodle =~ s/}\],.*//g;
$doodle =~ s/^{\"result\":\[\]}/{\"result\":/g;
$doodle =~ s/\R//g;
$doodle =~ s/\*/_/g;
    print $doodle;

      sub encode_base64url{
         my($data) = @_;
         return 0 unless $data;
         $data = encode_base64($data);
         $data =~ s/\+/-/g;
         $data =~ s/\//_/g;
         $data =~ s/\=//g;
         $data =~ s/\n//g;