Reportlab 中隐藏在段落中的溢出

overflow hidden on a Paragraph in Reportlab

我有一个 Table 有 2 个单元格,每个单元格里面有一个 Paragraph

from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Table, TableStyle
from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.lib.units import cm

table_style_footer = TableStyle(
                ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0),
                ('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0),
                ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0),
                ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0),
                ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1, (0, 0, 0)),
                ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP'),

style_p_footer = ParagraphStyle('Normal')
style_p_footer.fontName = 'Arial'
style_p_footer.fontSize = 8
style_p_footer.leading = 10

        Paragraph('Send To:', style_p_footer), 
        Paragraph('Here should be a variable with long content', style_p_footer)
      [1.7 * cm, 4.8 * cm],


Reportlab 似乎没有对隐藏溢出的原生支持,但我们可以利用 ParagraphbreakLines 功能来实现它。 breakLines 函数 returns 一个包含段落中给定宽度的所有行的对象,因此我们也可以使用它来找到第一行并丢弃其他所有内容。


  1. 创建一个虚拟段落
  2. 获取虚拟行
  3. 根据虚拟的第一行创建一个实际段落


# Create a dummy paragraph to see how it would split
long_string = 'Here should be a variable with long content'*10
long_paragraph = Paragraph(long_string, style_p_footer)

# Needed because of a bug in breakLines (value doesn't matter)
long_paragraph.width = 4.8 * cm

# Fetch the lines of the paragraph for the given width
para_fragment = long_paragraph.breakLines(width=4.8 * cm)

# There are 2 kinds of returns so 2 ways to grab the first line
if para_fragment.kind == 0:
    shorted_text = " ".join(para_fragment.lines[0][1])
    shorted_text = " ".join([w.text for w in para_fragment.lines[0].words])

# To make it pretty add ... when we break of the sentence
if len(para_fragment.lines) > 1:
    shorted_text += "..."

# Create the actual paragraph
shorted_paragraph = Paragraph(shorted_text, style_p_footer)