html 5 中的内联引号和可访问性

Inline quote in html 5 and accessibility

在 HTML 文本中引用他人的推荐方式是什么? 特别是如果我想确保屏幕阅读器能够正确处理它? 有一堆关于 <q> 工作原理的解释,但我没有看到推荐。

对于简短的内嵌引用,请使用 <q></q> 标签。大多数浏览器会在引号两边插入引号,但是如果您使用 css 重置,则可能需要以下内容:

q:before, q:after {
    content: "&quot;"

对于任何更长的引用,我建议结合使用 <blockquote></blockquote> 标签和 <cite></cite> 标签,如下所示:

    This text is from another source
        <a href="">Source Title</a>

根据 HTML5 规范:

The blockquote element represents content that is quoted from another source, optionally with a citation which must be within a footer or cite element, and optionally with in-line changes such as annotations and abbreviations.


避免将行内引号与 <q></q> 标签一起使用,但它们可以与 <blockquote></blockquote> 标签一起使用。在任何一种情况下,都建议在外部来源的引用和页面的原始内容之间进行某种图形区分(例如斜体或不同的背景颜色)。

TL;DR:使用 q 表示行内引号,不带标记,使用 blockquote 表示长片段(当它不是 [=14 中的唯一内容时带标记) =])



Quotation punctuation (such as quotation marks) that is quoting the contents of the element must not appear immediately before, after, or inside q elements; they will be inserted into the rendering by the user agent.

但您可以使用 CSS 覆盖默认值。例如:

:lang(en) q:before {
  content: "&ldquo;";
:lang(en) q:after {
  content: "&rdquo;";

:lang(fr) q:before {
  content: "&laquo;";
:lang(fr) q:after {
  content: "&raquo;";

如您所见,this can differ per language


<p>Shakespeare said <q>To be or not to be</q> was a question
     but never said what the answer was.</p>


Quotation marks may be used to delineate between quoted text and annotations within a blockquote.

请注意 <cite> 元素,该元素旨在引用创意作品或其作者的姓名。它不包含引号。例子

 <p>My favorite quote of Shakespeare is "To be or not to be ?"</p>
    — <cite class="title">The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</cite>
    by <cite class="author">William Shakespeare</cite>