在 Haskell 中接收具有约束存在性的参数函数

Receiving as Argument Functions with Constrained Existentials in Haskell

我一直在使用一些 GHC 扩展来定义一个可以执行以下操作的函数:

let a = A :: A  -- Show A
    b = B :: B  -- Show B
    myFunc show a b -- This should return (String, String)


这是我对 GHC 扩展 RankNTypesConstraintKindsKindSignatures:

myFunc :: forall (k :: * -> Constraint) a b d. (k a, k b) 
            => (forall c. k c => c -> d) -> a -> b -> (d, d)

我的主要目的是了解这些扩展的工作原理;但在我看来,我好像在告诉 GHC 有一个约束 k 某些 ab 满足,还有一个函数 (forall c. k c => c -> d) 可以接受任何类型 c 满足 k 和 return 一个特定的 d,现在,在这些条件下,我想将函数应用于 ab得到一个元组(d,d)

GHC 的抱怨如下:

Could not deduce (k0 a, k0 b)
from the context (k a, k b)
  bound by the type signature for
             myFunc :: (k a, k b) =>
                       (forall c. k c => c -> d) -> a -> b -> (d, d)
  at app/Main.hs:(15,11)-(16,56)
In the ambiguity check for the type signature for ‘myFunc’:
  myFunc :: forall (k :: * -> Constraint) a b d.
            (k a, k b) =>
            (forall c. k c => c -> d) -> a -> b -> (d, d)
To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
In the type signature for ‘myFunc’:
  myFunc :: forall (k :: * -> Constraint) a b d. (k a, k b) =>
            (forall c. k c => c -> d) -> a -> b -> (d, d)


Could not deduce (k c)
from the context (k a, k b)
  bound by the type signature for
             myFunc :: (k a, k b) =>
                       (forall c. k c => c -> d) -> a -> b -> (d, d)
  at app/Main.hs:(15,11)-(16,56)
or from (k0 c)
  bound by the type signature for myFunc :: k0 c => c -> d
  at app/Main.hs:(15,11)-(16,56)
In the ambiguity check for the type signature for ‘myFunc’:
  myFunc :: forall (k :: * -> Constraint) a b d.
            (k a, k b) =>
            (forall c. k c => c -> d) -> a -> b -> (d, d)
To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
In the type signature for ‘myFunc’:
  myFunc :: forall (k :: * -> Constraint) a b d. (k a, k b) =>
            (forall c. k c => c -> d) -> a -> b -> (d, d)


问题在于,仅将函数 (forall c . k c => c -> d) 作为参数传递还不足以让类型检查器明确地确定 k 到底是什么。显式传递约束有效,您甚至不需要外部 forall 或显式类型:

import Data.Proxy

myFunc :: (k a, k b) => Proxy k -> (forall c. k c => c -> d) -> a -> b -> (d, d)
myFunc _ f a b = (f a, f b)


let (c, d) = myFunc (Proxy :: Proxy Show) show a b