
Is it possible to check list of multicasts groups when there're no joined users?

我可以使用 netstat -g 获取加入的多播列表,但是否有可能获取可用(未加入)多播的列表。 Linux 内核是否跟踪传入组特定的 IGMP/MLD 查询?

Is it possible to check list of multicasts groups when there're no joined users? In group is empty e.g. in your network no subscribers - no multicast traffic also.

but is it possible to get list of available (not joined) multicasts. Same, no recipients no traffic

Does Linux kernel keep track of incoming group specific IGMP/MLD queries? A specific kernel that has IGMP Snooping enabled or another IGMP feature.

查看用于多播流量路由的 smcroute、mrouted,其中一些服务可能具有日志记录功能,因此您将能够跟踪多播流量。