使用 Twilio 将 SMS 从 arduino 发送到 Android 应用,反之亦然

Send SMS from arduino to Android App Using Twilio and Vice Versa

我正在构建一个应用程序,它打算使用 twilio 将数据从 arduino uno 发送到 android 应用程序,反之亦然。

我知道最好的方法是使用 RESTFUL API,但是,有没有办法通过 twilio 直接从 android 应用发送和接收短信?

这里是 Twilio 开发人员布道者。

您可以通过 Twilio 从 Android 应用发送短信,但不推荐这样做。有一个discussion on why this is an issue and how to work around it in this blog post by my colleague Marcos。关键是这点:

While Twilio is a REST API and theoretically you could make an HTTP request to it directly, you would need to store your Twilio credentials inside your app which poses a serious security issue. An attacker could decompile the application, extract your credentials and use your Twilio account for anything they liked.

因此,最佳做法是使用服务器从您的 Android 应用程序 send SMS messages
