为什么你必须删除 ios8 中的观察者?
why do you have to remove observer in ios8?
阅读 this post for iOS 9 后,我知道您不再需要删除 Observer。
但是对于 iOS 8,您 needed 在 viewController 的 deinit
方法中 removeObserver。
但我无法理解它。如果 viewController 被释放,那么它是 DEAD 不是吗?为什么我们需要做一个 removeObserver。做一个旁观者就好比叫一个永远不会捡起的死人phone
The notification center now keeps a zeroing reference to the observer:
If the observer is able to be stored as a zeroing-weak reference the underlying storage will store the observer as a zeroing weak reference, alternatively if the object cannot be stored weakly (i.e. it has a custom retain/release mechanism that would prevent the runtime from being able to store the object weakly) it will store the object as a non-weak zeroing reference.
在 iOS 9 之前,NSNotificationCenter
未使用 weak
引用实现,因此 NSNotificationCenter
在 iOS 9 中,NSNotificationCenter
It being an observer is much like calling a dead person who will never pick up the phone
你的 phone 号码在这种情况下是一个内存地址,一旦通知中心试图调用观察者,它就会被取消引用。现在,一旦 View Controller 被释放,您希望这个内存地址是什么?我们无法知道。
阅读 this post for iOS 9 后,我知道您不再需要删除 Observer。
但是对于 iOS 8,您 needed 在 viewController 的 deinit
方法中 removeObserver。
但我无法理解它。如果 viewController 被释放,那么它是 DEAD 不是吗?为什么我们需要做一个 removeObserver。做一个旁观者就好比叫一个永远不会捡起的死人phone
The notification center now keeps a zeroing reference to the observer:
If the observer is able to be stored as a zeroing-weak reference the underlying storage will store the observer as a zeroing weak reference, alternatively if the object cannot be stored weakly (i.e. it has a custom retain/release mechanism that would prevent the runtime from being able to store the object weakly) it will store the object as a non-weak zeroing reference.
在 iOS 9 之前,NSNotificationCenter
未使用 weak
引用实现,因此 NSNotificationCenter
在 iOS 9 中,NSNotificationCenter
It being an observer is much like calling a dead person who will never pick up the phone
你的 phone 号码在这种情况下是一个内存地址,一旦通知中心试图调用观察者,它就会被取消引用。现在,一旦 View Controller 被释放,您希望这个内存地址是什么?我们无法知道。