日期范围的 UDF 或标准 IF 函数?

UDF or standard IF function for date range?


column F: 

因此,一旦 1934、1935、1936 序列开始,它将捕获 1934 并迭代直到差异不为 1。


1934 - 1936. 



所以:如果(标题 1 = 标题 2,(如果日期 2 - 日期 1 = 1,递增以检查日期 3 - 日期 2 = 1,否则 = 日期 1))。

我可以尝试嵌套许多 IF 语句,但这会让人讨厌,而且不知道每个标题要比较多少个日期。

迭代似乎通过在 VBA 中创建一个 sub 或 UDF 会容易得多,但我没有在此处(或其他地方)找到任何可能有用的示例。

使用 AGGREGATE function 检索第一组一日序列的开始和停止并不难。以H2:I2为标准公式,

'in H2
=INDEX(F:F,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW(:)/((F:F-$F:$F)=1), 1))    
'in I2
=INDEX(INDEX(F:F, MATCH(H2,F:F, 0)):F,AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW(:)/((INDEX(F:F, MATCH(H2,F:F, 0)+1):F-INDEX(F:F, MATCH(H2,F:F, 0)):$F)<>1), 1))

如果您想合并它们,请将第二个公式中所有对 H2 的引用替换为第一个公式。

我知道你需要一种方法来获取日期 "ranges" 而我仍然没有得到 "comparing another column" 东西


Option Explicit

Sub main()
    Dim fictitiousRng As Range, area As Range
    Dim arr As Variant
    Dim iCell As Long

    With Worksheets("numbers") '<--| reference your worksheet (change "numbers" to your actual worksheet name)
        With Intersect(.UsedRange, .Columns("F")).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers) '<-- reference its column "F" non blank cells with numeric data only
            With .Offset(, .Parent.UsedRange.Columns.Count) '<--| reference referenced range offsetted 1 colum to the right
                .FormulaR1C1 = "=""A"" & RC6" '<--| fill its content with a "fictitiuous" range address by placing an "A" in front of corresponding number in column "F"
                Set fictitiousRng = Range("B1") ' set a initial range for 'fictitiousRng' not to bother for subsequent first call of 'Union()' method
                For Each area In .Areas '<--| loop through referenced range areas (i.e. cells "groups")
                    For iCell = 2 To area.Cells.Count '<--| loop through current area cells
                        Set fictitiousRng = Union(fictitiousRng, Range(area.Cells(iCell, 1).value)) '<--| update 'fictitiousRng' with the cell corresponding to the current fictitious range address
                    Next iCell
                Next area
                arr = Split(Replace(Replace(Intersect(fictitiousRng, Columns(1)).Address(False, False), "A", ""), ":", " - "), ",") '<--| get the fictitious range address, remove "A"s and substitute "." with "-" and then write final "numbers" into an array
                .ClearContents '<-- clear referenced range, i.e. cells with fictitious addresses
                .Cells(1, 1).Resize(UBound(arr) + 1).value = Application.Transpose(arr) '<--| write array content into referenced range cells starting from its first cell
            End With
        End With
    End With
End Sub

它将日期 "ranges" 写入同一列 "F" 日期工作表

的第一个 未使用

如果您不介意将公式分成几列,这里有一个关于如何提取开始和结束年份的 IF() 语句示例:



B 列 - 找出年份之间的差异

C 列 - 优雅 nested IF() 公式 ;)

D 列 - Left() 4 个字符,如果长度 > 4

E 列 - Right() 4 个字符,如果长度 > 4

这样就可以了,它将获取 F 列中的单元格并在 G 列中打印输出。如果有年份范围(例如:1934-1935-1936),它将把它放在一个单一的作为字符串的单元格。

Sub range_dates()
Dim cel As Range
Dim iRow As Long, n As Long
Dim title As String, nextTitle As String
iRow = 2
n = 0
For i = 2 To 15
    Set cel = Cells(i, "F")
    title = Cells(i, "E").Value
    nextTitle = Cells(i + 1, "E").Value
    diff = Cells(i + 1, "F").Value - cel.Value

    If diff = 1 And title = nextTitle Then
        firstDate = cel.Value - n
        n = n + 1
        Cells(iRow, "H").Value = cel.Value
        Cells(iRow, "G").Value = title
        If n > 0 Then
            Cells(iRow, "H") = "'" & firstDate & " - " & cel.Value
            n = 0
        End If
        iRow = iRow + 1
    End If
End Sub


编辑:我添加了标题条件并更改了输出以防止 excel 将字符串更改为日期格式