更新推断时出现“brew install infer”错误

`brew install infer` error while updating infer

我最近在我的工作笔记本电脑上更新了 facebook infer,并且正在尝试在我的个人笔记本电脑上更新 infer。它在我的工作笔记本电脑上安装没有问题,但在我的个人笔记本电脑上出现错误(见下文)。两者都安装了 opam 1.2.2 和 ocaml 4.03.0。如果我执行 opam init --comp=VERSION,我会看到所有内容都已经是最新的。知道为什么 brew install infer 会失败吗?

[User]-MacBook-Pro:~ [User]$ brew install infer
==> Using the sandbox
==> Downloading https://github.com/facebook/infer/releases/download/v0.9.2/infer
Already downloaded: /Users/[User]/Library/Caches/Homebrew/infer-0.9.2.tar.xz
==> ./build-infer.sh all --yes
Last 15 lines from /Users/[User]/Library/Logs/Homebrew/infer/01.build-infer.sh:

initializing opam... 
Checking for available remotes: rsync and local, git.
  - you won't be able to use mercurial repositories unless you install the hg
    command on your system.
  - you won't be able to use darcs repositories unless you install the darcs
    command on your system.

[WARNING] Recommended external solver aspcud not found.
[ERROR] No OCaml compiler found in path. You should use:

            opam init --comp=VERSION

[ERROR] Initialisation failed

READ THIS: https://git.io/brew-troubleshooting
If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew):

These open issues may also help:
infer 0.9.3 https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/5130

我的工作笔记本电脑是 OS X El Capitan 版本 10.11.6,我的个人笔记本电脑是 macOS Sierra 版本 10.12。


Infer 版本 中已解决