Spotipy - 列表索引超出范围

Spotipy - list index out of range

正在将 Spotipy 脚本写入给定专辑中的 return 专辑曲目我偶尔会收到错误消息:

    album_id = results["albums"]["items"][0]["uri"]
IndexError: list index out of range

这个错误往往发生在更受欢迎的艺术家循环播放他们所有专辑的时候。我猜结果列表要么达到了极限,要么以某种方式乱序了。无论哪种方式,我都不确定如何修复它,因为我很确定我在 Spotipy 网站上找到了 album_id 行。有什么想法吗?

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import spotipy

sp = spotipy.Spotify()
sp.trace = False

def get_artist_albums(artist):
  results = = "artist:" + artist, type = "artist")
  items = results["artists"]["items"]
  artist = items[0]
  # print artist

  albums = []
  albumsTitles  = []
  results = sp.artist_albums(artist["id"], album_type = "album")
  while results["next"]:
    results =
  seen = set() # to avoid dups
  albums.sort(key = lambda album:album["name"].lower())

  for album in albums:
    albumTitle = album["name"]
    if albumTitle not in seen:
      print((" " + albumTitle))

  # return albumsTitles
  return albumsTitles 

def get_albums_tracks(album):
  albumtracks = []

  results = = "album:" + album, type = "album")

  # get the first album uri
  album_id = results["albums"]["items"][0]["uri"]

  # get album tracks
  tracks = sp.album_tracks(album_id)
  c = 1
  # print album
  for track in tracks["items"]:
    # print "#%s %s" %(c, track["name"])
    c +=1
  return albumtracks

# 3 album band - ok
phosgoreAlbums = get_artist_albums("Phosgore")
for item in phosgoreAlbums:
  print get_albums_tracks(item)
  print ""

# 6 album band - ok
# (well technically 2, but's let not get into that night now)
joyDivisionAlbums = get_artist_albums("Joy Division")
for item in joyDivisionAlbums:
  print get_albums_tracks(item)
  print ""

# 34 albums - falls over
cherAlbums = get_artist_albums("Cher")
for item in cherAlbums:
  print get_albums_tracks(item)
  print ""

# 38 album band - falls over
theCureAlbums = get_artist_albums("The Cure")
for item in theCureAlbums:
  print get_albums_tracks(item)
  print ""

# 43 album band - falls over
aliceCooperAlbums = get_artist_albums("Alice Cooper")
for item in aliceCooperAlbums:
  print get_albums_tracks(item)
  print ""

results["albums"]["items"] 只是一个空列表,因此索引 0 处没有元素。您可以在尝试对其进行索引之前对其进行测试:

if not results["albums"]["items"]:
    # no albums found, so no tracks either
    return []

album_id = results["albums"]["items"][0]["uri"]