tcsh 检查给定路径中是​​否存在文件

tcsh check if file exists in a given path

首先,我是 tcsh 的新手,我意识到它的缺点以及它为什么有害(我同意!)。

但是,我别无选择,我需要编写一个 tcsh 脚本,用户提供一个目录作为输入,脚本将检查其中是否包含文件 'test.txt'。



if ( ! -d ) then
    echo  "is not a directory."
    exit 1

if ( -f test.txt ) then    #BUT LINK IT TO , as if test.txt exists in 
                           #given user path or its parent directories

     echo "The path includes the file."
     echo "The path does NOT include the file."

我希望它能够检查 $1(这将是用户输入)。

您可以使用一个简单的 while 循环:

# Expand parameter to full path
set dir = `readlink -f ""`

# Not a directory? Stop now
if ( ! -d "$dir" ) then
    echo "$dir is not a directory."
    exit 1

# Loop forever
while (1)
    # Check if $dir has test.txt, if it does, stop the loop
    if ( -f "$dir/test.txt" ) then
        echo "The path $dir includes the file."
        echo "The path $dir does NOT include the file."
        # Dir is /, we've checked all the dirs, stop loop and exit
        if ( "$dir" == "/" ) then
            echo "file not found, stopping"
            exit 2

        # Remove last part of $dir, we use this value in the next loop iteration
        set dir = `dirname "$dir"`

echo "File found at $dir/test.txt"

逻辑应该很明显:在循环的每次迭代中更改 $dir 的值,如果我们找到文件,我们可以停止循环,如果我们已经循环到/ 目录,文件不存在,我们停止。您当然可以将 / 更改为 cwd 或其他内容...


[~]% csh checkdir.csh test/asd/asd/asd/asd/
The path /home/martin/test/asd/asd/asd/asd does NOT include the file.
The path /home/martin/test/asd/asd/asd does NOT include the file.
The path /home/martin/test/asd/asd does NOT include the file.
The path /home/martin/test/asd does NOT include the file.
The path /home/martin/test does NOT include the file.
The path /home/martin does NOT include the file.
The path /home does NOT include the file.
The path / does NOT include the file.
file not found, stopping
Exit 2

[~]% touch test/asd/asd/asd/test.txt
[~]% csh checkdir.csh test/asd/asd/asd/asd
The path /home/martin/test/asd/asd/asd/asd does NOT include the file.
The path /home/martin/test/asd/asd/asd includes the file.
File found at /home/martin/test/asd/asd/asd/test.txt

[~]% rm test/asd/asd/asd/test.txt
The path /home/martin/test/asd/asd/asd/asd does NOT include the file.
The path /home/martin/test/asd/asd/asd does NOT include the file.
The path /home/martin/test/asd/asd does NOT include the file.
The path /home/martin/test/asd does NOT include the file.
The path /home/martin/test does NOT include the file.
The path /home/martin includes the file.
File found at /home/martin/test.txt