
How to use openmp to convert jpg2dicom?

我需要将数百张 jpg 图像转换为 dicom。我有一个 web 应用程序,这篇文章最初是用 Node.js 制作的,但速度很慢。我想在 C 中做并使用 openmp 并行化以下代码:

int main(){
    DIR *dir;
    struct dirent *arq; 
    dir = opendir("./jpg");
    char cmd1[255] = "./dcm4che-2.0.23/bin/jpg2dcm -c dcm4che-2.0.23/etc/jpg2dcm/jpg2dcm.cfg jpg/";
    char cmd_aux[255] = "./dcm4che-2.0.23/bin/jpg2dcm -c dcm4che-2.0.23/etc/jpg2dcm/jpg2dcm.cfg jpg/"; 
    char buf[255];
    char nomeArq[255];
    int i;
    //Stretch in which I use openmp 
    while ((arq = readdir(dir)) != NULL){
        strncpy(nomeArq, arq->d_name, 255);
        if(nomeArq[0] != '.'){
           sprintf(buf, " dcm/imagem-%d.dcm", i); 
           strcat(cmd1, nomeArq); // cmd1 + nomeArquivo
           strcat(cmd1, buf); 
           strncpy(cmd1, cmd_aux, 255);
    return 0;

我怎么知道这段代码是 I/O 绑定的,我想问问是否真的不能用 openmp 获得任何加速。如果可能的话,如何在使用 openmp 时并行化这个循环。如果我不是很清楚,对不起!我还在学习英语!



xargs 示例(来自 bash 命令提示符):

ls ./jpg | xargs -P 0 -i ./dcm4che-2.0.23/bin/jpg2dcm -c dcm4che-2.0.23/etc/jpg2dcm/jpg2dcm.cfg jpg/{} dcm/{}.dcm


使用 for 循环更容易,您可以开始将文件列表放入数组中(Whosebug code 了解如何操作)。

// put your code for reading he files list into an array //

int main() {
    char **files;
    const size_t count = file_list("./jpg", &files);

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(size_t i=0;i<count;++i) {
        if(files[i][0] == '.' ) { continue; } // 'skip' directory entry, maybe you should implement some better check ( extension, or even checking if it is a file at all)
        // keep the buffer local to the loop
        char *buf = malloc(1024);
        // already calling sprintf, use it for building the whole command line, and avoid the strncpy & strcat
        sprintf(buf, "./dcm4che-2.0.23/bin/jpg2dcm -c dcm4che-2.0.23/etc/jpg2dcm/jpg2dcm.cfg jpg/%s dcm/imagem-%zu.dcm",files[i],i);
        free(buf); // cleanup
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;