从 React Component 中移除渲染 xml 的 "text/html"

Removing "text/html" for rendered xml from React Component

我正在尝试创建一个 rss 提要。现在唯一的问题是当我尝试验证它时,我需要删除 "text/html" 才能正常工作。不确定如何在此处使用我的 React 组件执行此操作:

const Feed = Component({
    render() {
        return (
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <rss version="2.0">
                            <pubDate>Tues, 23 Aug 2016 10:00:00 CDT</pubDate>

export default Feed

当我通过 Chrome 开发工具查看源代码时,这就是我所看到的,请注意文档类型是 html,而不是 xml:

然后当您将其与任何其他 rss 提要(例如 egghead.io 进行比较时,它们的外观如下:


This isn't currently possible. We've done some thinking about how to make that easier, but right now we have 2 places where we keep track of what type of nodes we support (hopefully just 1 place in the future). The first is the JSX transform which hardcodes the list of tags it supports. The second is what is exposed off of React.DOM.*. If you want to fork and extend, that's one option. We're focused on HTML/SVG at the moment, but I would definitely be interested in some way to make all of these injectible and share the list of supported tags.


No, sorry. React DOM is primarily designed for HTML.