
pull after rebase results into merging conflicts

我有一个分支 B,它已在另一个仓库中检出,然后在那里进行了一些更改,并在变基后使用 --force 推送它们(这是对上次提交的修正)。 现在,如果我将更改后的分支拉入第一个 repo,我会遇到合并冲突。


#   First checkout the original B
$ pwd

$ git checkout B
Switched to branch 'B'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/B'.

#   Now clone the same repo into another directory and checkout B there
$ cd .. && git clone git clone ssh://git@myhost/myrepo.git dir2 && cd dir2

$ git checkout B
Switched to branch 'B'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/B'.

#   Now edit some file, commit it and "merge" the changes
#   to the originally last commit as a fixup
$ nano file.txt
$ git commit -a -m "Fixup to file.txt"
$ git rebase -i HEAD~2
... the last commit is "fixup'ed" to the last commit in the original branch (the commit before "Fixup to the file.txt" commit

#   Push the B with rewritten history to the upstream
$ git push --force origin B

#   Get back to the original repo and pull the changes
$ cd ../dir1
$ git pull origin B
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in .../file.txt

分支的两个副本之间的唯一区别在于 "top" 提交。 是否可以告诉 git,我想用我在上游中的内容替换第一个 repo 中的最后一次提交,而无需 git-pull 尝试查看相应文件中的更改?


...-A-B-C-D-E     # HEAD

其中 Edir/ 中未更改的提交。我们将引入 E' 作为起源于 E 但从 dir2.


dir 中,您可以将 HEAD 倒回到之前的提交中:

git reset --hard HEAD^


...-A-B-C-D        # HEAD
            `-E    # dangling and invisible, will be garbage collected


git pull upstream B


...-A-B-C-D-E'     # HEAD
            `-E    # dangling and invisible, will be garbage collected

请注意,您将丢失 E 的内容(除非您在 reflog 中搜索它)