从 C 调用带有字符串参数的 Go 函数?

Call Go function with string parameter from C?

我可以从 C 调用一个没有参数的 Go 函数,per below。这通过 go build 编译并打印

Hello from Golang main function!
CFunction says: Hello World from CFunction!
Hello from GoFunction!


package main

//extern int CFunction();
import "C"
import "fmt"

func main() {
  fmt.Println("Hello from Golang main function!")
  //Calling a CFunction in order to have C call the GoFunction

//export GoFunction
func GoFunction() {
  fmt.Println("Hello from GoFunction!")


#include <stdio.h>
#include "_cgo_export.h"

int CFunction() {
  char message[] = "Hello World from CFunction!";
  printf("CFunction says: %s\n", message);
  return 0;

现在,我想将一个 string/char 数组从 C 传递给 GoFunction。

根据 cgo documentation 中的“C references to Go”,这是可能的,因此我向 GoFunction 添加了一个字符串参数并将字符数组 message 传递给 GoFunction:


package main

//extern int CFunction();
import "C"
import "fmt"

func main() {
  fmt.Println("Hello from Golang main function!")
  //Calling a CFunction in order to have C call the GoFunction

//export GoFunction
func GoFunction(str string) {
  fmt.Println("Hello from GoFunction!")


#include <stdio.h>
#include "_cgo_export.h"

int CFunction() {
  char message[] = "Hello World from CFunction!";
  printf("CFunction says: %s\n", message);
  return 0;

go build 我收到这个错误:

./file1.c:7:14: error: passing 'char [28]' to parameter of incompatible type 'GoString'
./main.go:50:33: note: passing argument to parameter 'p0' here

根据上面的“字符串和事物”部分"C? Go? Cgo!" blog post

Conversion between Go and C strings is done with the C.CString, C.GoString, and C.GoStringN functions.

但是这些是在 Go 中使用的,如果我想将字符串数据传递到 Go 中则没有帮助。

C 中的字符串是 *C.char,而不是 Go string。 让你导出的函数接受正确的 C 类型,并根据需要在 Go 中转换它:

//export GoFunction
func GoFunction(str *C.char) {
    fmt.Println("Hello from GoFunction!")

如果要将 C 字符串传递给只接受 Go 字符串的函数,可以在 C 端使用 GoString 类型:

char message[] = "Hello World from CFunction!";
printf("CFunction says: %s\n", message);
GoString go_str = {p: message, n: sizeof(message)}; // N.B. sizeof(message) will
                                                    // only work for arrays, not
                                                    // pointers.
return 0;