C# 中的复数

Complex numbers in c#

我有一个作业要编写复数实现 :-

Complex c = new Complex(1.2,2.0)

写入属性 real 和 Imaginary 以获得复数的实部和虚部。像这样使用:

double x = c.Real;

编写一个方法将两个复数相加并 return 它们的和。实部是两个实部之和,虚部是两个虚部之和

Complex c = c1.Sum(c2);

写一个方法来计算两个复数的乘积。如果一个数字有分量 x1y1,第二个数字有分量,x2y2

产品实部=x1 *x2 - y1 *y2; 虚部 = x1 * y2 + x2 *y1;

所以我知道并且对手动复数非常有信心,例如 4 +5i 其中 5i 是虚数,



public class Complex
    public Complex(double real, double imaginary)


 static void Main(string[] args)
    Complex c1 = new Complex(1.2,2.0)

    Complex c2 = new Complex(1,3.0)

    Complex c3 = c1.Sum(c2);




"I'm not sure how to get the app to know which one is imaginary" -- 这是一种方法:

        Console.WriteLine("Input the real part of the complex number:");
        var real = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        Console.WriteLine("Input the imaginary part of the complex number:");
        var imaginary = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        var complexNumber = new Complex(real, imaginary);

什么是复数?好吧,它是一个包含 real 部分和 imaginary 部分的数字。虚部本身就是一个实数乘以这个奇怪的虚数常数 i 使得 i * i = -1。没有什么比它更多的了,所以就这样实现吧。为什么这会使您的代码失去任何价值?

public struct Complex
    public static readonly ImaginaryOne = new Complex(0, 1);
    public doube Real { get; }
    public double Imaginary { get; }
    public Complex(double real, double imaginary)
        Real = real;
        Imaginary = imaginary;


由于不久前有人提出了这个问题,但我相信还有其他人对此主题感兴趣,所以我决定 post 我最近在 C# 中实现的复数实现。

因为复数是值类型,所以我使用结构而不是 class(在这种情况下结构更快,这是我在编写的一个简单应用程序的帮助下发现的 [=66= ... =]、<> 将与平方数进行比较,而 ==!= 将与相等进行比较。


请注意,这也需要覆盖 GetHashCode()Equals(object obj)。我还重载了 ++-- 运算符,尽管在复杂的世界中有几种可能的解释方式:increment/decrement 实部和虚部或只是其中之一?

我还创建了元组 (a, bi) 和复数之间的隐式转换,因此您可以轻松地初始化它们,例如:

complex a = (1, 2), b = (3, 4); // via tuples (re, im)


string input = Console.ReadLine();
if (!complex.TryParse(input, out complex c)) 
    Console.WriteLine("Syntax error"); 
    Console.WriteLine($"Parsed value for c = {c}");


var w = a - b;  Console.WriteLine($"a - b = {w}");
var x = a + b;  Console.WriteLine($"a + b = {x}");
var y = a * b;  Console.WriteLine($"a * b = {y}");
var z = a / b;  Console.WriteLine($"a / b = {z}");


a - b = -2 - 2i
a + b = 4 + 6i
a * b = -5 + 10i
a / b = 0.44 + 0.08i

您甚至可以编写一个 for 循环,就像(注意您有 2 个维度!):

for (complex u = (0,0); u <= (5, 5); u.Re++, u.Im++)


if (u==(1, 1)) Console.WriteLine("u == 1+i");


/// <summary>
/// Complex numbers
/// Written by Matt, 2022
/// </summary>
struct complex
    public double Re, Im;
    public complex(double re, double im)
        this.Re = re; this.Im = im;

    public static complex operator ++(complex c) { ++c.Re; ++c.Im; return c; } // not the only way one can implement this
    public static complex operator --(complex c) { --c.Re; --c.Im; return c; } // not the only way one can implement this
    public static complex operator +(complex a, complex b) => new complex(a.Re + b.Re, a.Im + b.Im);
    public static complex operator -(complex a, complex b) => new complex(a.Re - b.Re, a.Im - b.Im);

    public static double AmountSqr(complex c) => c.Re * c.Re + c.Im + c.Im;
    public static double Amount(complex c) => Math.Sqrt(AmountSqr(c));

    /// <summary>Compares the amount of both complex numbers, returns true if |a|<|b|.</summary>
    public static bool operator <(complex a, complex b) => AmountSqr(a) < AmountSqr(b);
    /// <summary>Compares the amount of both complex numbers, returns true if |a|>|b|.</summary>
    public static bool operator >(complex a, complex b) => AmountSqr(a) > AmountSqr(b);

    /// <summary>Compares the both complex numbers, returns true if a == b.</summary>
    public static bool operator ==(complex a, complex b) => (a.Re == b.Re && a.Im == b.Im);
    /// <summary>Compares the both complex numbers, returns true if a != b.</summary>
    public static bool operator !=(complex a, complex b) => (a.Re != b.Re || a.Im != b.Im);

    // (a+bi)(c+di) = ac-bd + (ad+bc)i  
    public static complex operator *(complex a, complex b) 
            => new complex(a.Re*b.Re-a.Im*b.Im, a.Re*b.Im+a.Im*b.Re);

    // (a+bi)/(c+di) = (ac+bd)/(c*c + d*d) + i(bc-ad)/(c*c + d*d)
    public static complex operator /(complex a, complex b)
        var divisor = (b.Re * b.Re + b.Im * b.Im);
        return new complex((a.Re*b.Re+a.Im*b.Im)/divisor, (a.Im*b.Re-a.Re*b.Im)/divisor);
    public static implicit operator complex((double real, double imag) c) 
            => new complex(c.real, c.imag); // via tuples (re, im)

    public override string ToString() 
        => $"{this.Re.ToString().Trim()} {(this.Im < 0 ? "-" : "+")} {Math.Abs(this.Im)}i";
    /// <summary>Tries to convert string expressions like "2+3i" or "5-7i" to complex</summary>
    public static bool TryParse(string complexNr, out complex result) 
        bool success = false;
        result = (0, 0);
            result = Parse(complexNr);
            success = true;
        } catch {}
        return success;

    /// <summary>Converts string expressions like "2+3i" or "5-7i" to complex</summary>
    public static complex Parse(string complexNr)
        complex result = (0, 0);
            if (complexNr.Contains("-")) complexNr = complexNr.Replace("-", "+-");
            var tr = complexNr.Split("+").Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
            var realStr = tr[0]; var imagStr = tr[1].TrimEnd('i').Trim();
            result = (double.Parse(realStr), double.Parse(imagStr));
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new SyntaxErrorException("Invalid syntax for complex number. Allowed is 'a+bi' or 'a-bi'", ex);   
        return result;
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return (obj == null) ? false : (this == (complex)obj);

    public override int GetHashCode()
        var hash = new HashCode();
        hash.Add(this.Re); hash.Add(this.Im);
        return hash.ToHashCode();

参考资料(用于测量“复杂”库性能的 Mandelbrot 算法):

  1. Mandelbrot set (Python, but understandable for C# programmers too)
  2. Mandelbrot algorithms (Pseudocode)