根据分支将 git 拉和推到不同的默认远程

Having git pull and push to different default remotes based on the branch

我想弄清楚如何设置 git 我可以 pull/push from/to 一个遥控器,默认情况下 pulls/pushes 它进入它自己的本地分支。

这个遥控器不会是原始遥控器,我想偶尔将分支合并到主分支,这将是 pushed/pulled to/from 原始。


remote-a (master) -> local (remote-a-branch)



git remote add remote_name https://github.com/...
git checkout -b tracks_remote_name
git config brangh.tracks_remote_name.remote remote_name
  1. 您可以拥有任意数量的遥控器。请注意所有遥控器都是平等的 - origin 在任何意义上都不是特殊的遥控器。它只是 第一个默认远程 你在克隆新的 repo 之后。您可以使用 git remote 命令 (reference)
  2. 管理它们

git remote add remote123 <REMOTE_URL>

  1. 您可以拥有任意数量的分支。您可以设置本地分支来跟踪单个远程分支。 git checkout 帮助您做到这一点。 (reference). git branch can do this too using --set-upstream-to key (reference)


# create branch, checkout to newly created branch and setup tracking
git checkout -b remote123_master remote123/master

这将设置本地分支 remote123_master 以跟踪来自远程 remote123master 分支。


git checkout master // switch to default master (tracked from origin/master)
git pull // if needed from origin
git push // if needed to origin
// do the job, commit
git checkout remote123_master // switch to master from other remote
git pull // if needed from remote123
git push // if needed to remote123
// do the job, commit
git checkout master // go back to master
git merge remote123_master // merge master from remote123 to master
git push // if needed to origin


如果您不打算提交到其他远程服务器,您可以跳过为 remote123 创建本地分支的步骤。然后它看起来像:

git remote add remote123 <REMOTE_URL>
git fetch remote123 // fetch data from remote but do not modify local branches
git checkout master // switch to default master (tracked from origin/master)
git pull // if needed from origin
git push // if needed to origin
// do the job, commit
git fetch remote123 // fetch data from remote but do not modify local branches
git merge remote123/master // merge directly with remote branch reference without creating local one
git push // if needed to origin