如何使用 numpy 快速找到布拉格反射?

How to find Bragg reflexes fast with numpy?

对于 X 射线衍射,需要找到所谓的劳厄方程的解

G_hkl - k_in + |k_in|*(sin(theta) cos(phi) , sin(theta) sin(phi) , cos(theta))= 0

其中 G_hkl 是给定的 3 维向量,k_in 可以选择为 (0,0,1) 并且 theta 和 phi 是满足方程式的自由参数。在一个典型的实验中,G_hkl 然后绕 x 轴旋转,对于旋转的每一步,都需要找到方程的解。方程在给定的旋转下不能有多个解。

我已经编写了这个 python 脚本来找到这些解决方案,但对于我的应用程序来说它不够快。

import numpy as np
import time
# Just initialization of variables. This is fast enough
res_list = []
N_rot = 100
Ghkl = np.array([0,0.7,0.7])
Ghkl_norm = np.linalg.norm(Ghkl)
kin = np.array([0,0,1])
kin_norm = np.linalg.norm(kin)
alpha_step = 2*np.pi/(N_rot-1)
rot_mat = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,np.cos(alpha_step),-np.sin(alpha_step)],[0,np.sin(alpha_step),np.cos(alpha_step)]])

# You can deduce theta from the norm of the vector equation
theta = np.arccos(1-(Ghkl_norm**2/(2*kin_norm**2))) 
sint = np.sin(theta)
cost = np.cos(theta)

# This leaves only phi as paramter to find
# I find phi by introducing a finite test vector
# and testing whether the norm of the vector equation is close
# to zero for any of those test phis
phi_test = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,200)

kout = kin_norm * np.array([sint * np.cos(phi_test), sint * np.sin(phi_test), cost + 0*phi_test]).T
start_time = time.time()

for j in range(100): # just to make it longer to measure the time
    res_list = []
    for i in range(N_rot): # This loop is too slow
        # Here the norm of the vector equation is calculated for all phi_test
        norm_vec = np.linalg.norm(Ghkl[np.newaxis, :] - kin[np.newaxis, :] + kout, axis=1)
        if (norm_vec < 0.01 * kin_norm).any(): # check whether any fulfills the criterion
            minarg = np.argmin(norm_vec)
            res_list.append([theta, phi_test[minarg]])
        Ghkl = np.dot(rot_mat,Ghkl)

print('Time was {0:1.2f} s'.format( (time.time()-start_time)))
# On my machine it takes 0.3s and res_list should be 
# [[1.0356115365192968, 1.578689775673263]]


存在依赖关系,因为 Ghkl 在每次迭代时更新并在下一次重复使用。相应的封闭形式可能难以追踪。因此,我将专注于提高最内层循环中其余代码的性能。

现在,我们正在计算 norm_vec,我认为可以使用下面列出的两种方法加快计算速度。

方法 #1 使用 Scipy's cdist -

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

norm_vec = cdist(kout,(kin-Ghkl)[None]) # Rest of code stays the same

方法 #2 使用 np.einsum -

sums = (Ghkl-kin)+kout
norm_vec_sq = np.einsum('ij,ij->i',sums,sums)
if (norm_vec_sq < (0.01 * kin_norm)**2 ).any():
    minarg = np.argmin(norm_vec_sq) # Rest of code stays the same

运行时测试 -


In [91]: %timeit np.linalg.norm(Ghkl- kin + kout, axis=1)
10000 loops, best of 3: 31.1 µs per loop

In [92]: sums = (Ghkl-kin)+kout
    ...: norm_vec_sq = np.einsum('ij,ij->i',sums,sums)

In [93]: %timeit (Ghkl-kin)+kout                 # Approach2 - step1
100000 loops, best of 3: 7.09 µs per loop

In [94]: %timeit np.einsum('ij,ij->i',sums,sums) # Approach2 - step2
100000 loops, best of 3: 3.82 µs per loop

In [95]: %timeit cdist(kout,(kin-Ghkl)[None])    # Approach1
10000 loops, best of 3: 44.1 µs per loop

因此,方法 #1 没有显示出对这些输入大小的任何改进,但方法 #2 在计算 norm_vec.

时绕过 3x 加速

简短说明为什么 np.einsum 在这里是有益的: 那么,einsum 非常适合逐元素乘法和求和归约。我们正在利用这里问题的本质。 np.linalg.norm 给出了我们在输入的平方版本上沿第二个轴的求和。因此,einsum 对应项只是将相同的输入作为两个输入输入两次,从而处理平方,然后丢失第二个轴及其用字符串表示法表示的求和归约。它一次性完成这两项工作,这可能就是它在这里如此之快的原因。