Winmerge 作为 RTC 比较编辑器

Winmerge as RTC Compare Editor

有人可以帮助我如何将 WinMerge 配置为 RTC 的比较编辑器吗?

我朋友用的是 BeyondCompare,不过我用的是 WinMerge。

This thread 提到:

I've always used WinMerge. Beyond Compare is also a good compare tool but it's not free.

You can configure RTC to use another compare tool in Windows > Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control > External Compare Tool.
There are defaults configurations for both the tools listed above or you can enter a path for you own compare tool.

查看更多信息“Can I use any other diff/merge tool, other than the one provided in RTC?


We have pre-configured some popularly used compare/merge tools like Beyond Compare, DiffMerge, P4Merge and WinMerge.