Delaunay triangulation of point cloud
我想使用 Delaunay 算法对 3D 点云进行三角测量。为了测试我的代码,我从一个 STL 文件中提取了点云,然后尝试对其进行重新网格化。这是我的代码:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
#--------------def funtion extract point cloud-------------------
def point_cloud(inp):
node = []
for line in inp:
temp1 = line.strip()
x = temp1.split()
if x[0] == "vertex":
del x[0]
node = set(map(tuple,node))
return node
#--------------------end function---------------------------------
with open("D:\cilinder.stl","r") as fo:
pc = point_cloud(fo)
u = []
v = []
w = []
for l in pc:
ua = np.array(u)
va = np.array(v)
#tri = mtri.Triangulation(u, v)
tri = Delaunay(np.array([u,v]).T)
points = []
vertex = []
for i in range(ua.shape[0]):
for vert in tri.simplices:
#for vert in tri.triangles:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
ax.plot_trisurf(ua, va, w, triangles=tri.simplices, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
#ax.plot_trisurf(ua, va, w, triangles=tri.triangles, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
在我 运行 这段代码之后,我得到了以下结果:
已编辑:我刚刚发现函数 point_cloud 提供了重复的点,因为它们是直接从 STL 文件中提取的。
您在显示网格时获得网格的原因是您没有(也不能)向 scipy 的 Delaunay 网格生成器提供拓扑信息。你给它一个点云,它连接所有的点,就是这样。
但是,只要给定对象的几何形状,就有多种方法可以从头开始生成网格。对于您心目中的圆柱体,一种方法是自己做;查看 meshzoo:
import meshio
import numpy as np
def create_mesh(width=5.0, n=30, radius=1.0):
# Number of nodes along the width of the strip (>= 2)
# Choose it such that we have approximately square boxes.
nw = int(round(width * n / (2 * np.pi * radius)))
# Generate suitable ranges for parametrization
u_range = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, num=n, endpoint=False)
v_range = np.linspace(-0.5 * width, 0.5 * width, num=nw)
# Create the vertices.
nodes = []
for u in u_range:
x = radius * np.cos(u)
y = radius * np.sin(u)
for v in v_range:
nodes.append(np.array([x, y, v]))
# create the elements (cells)
elems = []
for i in range(n - 1):
for j in range(nw - 1):
elems.append([i * nw + j, (i + 1) * nw + j + 1, i * nw + j + 1])
elems.append([i * nw + j, (i + 1) * nw + j, (i + 1) * nw + j + 1])
# close the geometry
for j in range(nw - 1):
elems.append([(n - 1) * nw + j, j + 1, (n - 1) * nw + j + 1])
elems.append([(n - 1) * nw + j, j, j + 1])
return np.array(nodes), np.array(elems)
points, cells = create_mesh()
meshio.write_points_cells("tube.vtu", points, {"triangle": cells})
您可以尝试使用四面体进行 delaunay 三角剖分。然后手动去除孔。 IMO 它是一个四面体体积网格。尤其是Bowyer-Watson算法很简单
我想使用 Delaunay 算法对 3D 点云进行三角测量。为了测试我的代码,我从一个 STL 文件中提取了点云,然后尝试对其进行重新网格化。这是我的代码:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
#--------------def funtion extract point cloud-------------------
def point_cloud(inp):
node = []
for line in inp:
temp1 = line.strip()
x = temp1.split()
if x[0] == "vertex":
del x[0]
node = set(map(tuple,node))
return node
#--------------------end function---------------------------------
with open("D:\cilinder.stl","r") as fo:
pc = point_cloud(fo)
u = []
v = []
w = []
for l in pc:
ua = np.array(u)
va = np.array(v)
#tri = mtri.Triangulation(u, v)
tri = Delaunay(np.array([u,v]).T)
points = []
vertex = []
for i in range(ua.shape[0]):
for vert in tri.simplices:
#for vert in tri.triangles:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
ax.plot_trisurf(ua, va, w, triangles=tri.simplices, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
#ax.plot_trisurf(ua, va, w, triangles=tri.triangles, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
在我 运行 这段代码之后,我得到了以下结果:
已编辑:我刚刚发现函数 point_cloud 提供了重复的点,因为它们是直接从 STL 文件中提取的。
您在显示网格时获得网格的原因是您没有(也不能)向 scipy 的 Delaunay 网格生成器提供拓扑信息。你给它一个点云,它连接所有的点,就是这样。
但是,只要给定对象的几何形状,就有多种方法可以从头开始生成网格。对于您心目中的圆柱体,一种方法是自己做;查看 meshzoo:
import meshio
import numpy as np
def create_mesh(width=5.0, n=30, radius=1.0):
# Number of nodes along the width of the strip (>= 2)
# Choose it such that we have approximately square boxes.
nw = int(round(width * n / (2 * np.pi * radius)))
# Generate suitable ranges for parametrization
u_range = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, num=n, endpoint=False)
v_range = np.linspace(-0.5 * width, 0.5 * width, num=nw)
# Create the vertices.
nodes = []
for u in u_range:
x = radius * np.cos(u)
y = radius * np.sin(u)
for v in v_range:
nodes.append(np.array([x, y, v]))
# create the elements (cells)
elems = []
for i in range(n - 1):
for j in range(nw - 1):
elems.append([i * nw + j, (i + 1) * nw + j + 1, i * nw + j + 1])
elems.append([i * nw + j, (i + 1) * nw + j, (i + 1) * nw + j + 1])
# close the geometry
for j in range(nw - 1):
elems.append([(n - 1) * nw + j, j + 1, (n - 1) * nw + j + 1])
elems.append([(n - 1) * nw + j, j, j + 1])
return np.array(nodes), np.array(elems)
points, cells = create_mesh()
meshio.write_points_cells("tube.vtu", points, {"triangle": cells})
您可以尝试使用四面体进行 delaunay 三角剖分。然后手动去除孔。 IMO 它是一个四面体体积网格。尤其是Bowyer-Watson算法很简单