安装需要 autoconf 的 m4

Installing m4 which requires autoconf

我从 here. In the INSTALL it is said that I should first ./configure. But to do that, if I understood correctly, I need to generate configure via autoconf from configure.ac. I do not have autoconf so I downloaded it from here 下载了 m4。问题是我需要 m4 来构建 autoconf。似乎他们彼此依赖。如何安装 m4

In the INSTALL it is said that I should first ./configure


But to do that, if I understood correctly, I need to generate configure via autoconf from configure.ac.

不,没有必要这样做。 configure 你需要的在 m4 tarball 里。

How can I install m4?

three step./configure ; make ; make install;