
Delayed stringification without macro expansion

如果 deprecation_message 中的任何标识符标记被定义为类似对象的宏,是否可以修改以下代码片段以防止 #pragma GCC warning 打印的诊断信息发生变化dmacro 已扩展,同时保留将 symbol 替换到消息中的能力?丑陋没有问题,只要 clang 也实现了 GCC 扩展,GCC 扩展就是公平的游戏,但诊断的内容可能不会被修改。

#define deprecation_message(symbol) \
   #symbol will be removed from <header.h> in the next release\n\
   of $LIBRARY. To use #symbol, include <moved/header.h> instead.

#define make_pw(...) make_pw_(__VA_ARGS__)
#define make_pw_(...) make_pw__(GCC warning #__VA_ARGS__)
#define make_pw__(...) _Pragma(#__VA_ARGS_)

#define dmacro(a,b,c) make_pw(deprecation_message(dmacro)) xmacro(a,b,c)

// Uncommenting any of the following #define lines should *not*
// change the text of the diagnostic in any way.
//#define header
//#define n f
//#define will won't'

(您可能想要实现字符串文字串联,但这行不通;_Pragma 本身和 #pragma GCC warning 都只接受一个字符串文字。_Pragma("this" "that")是语法错误。)

也许我误解了这个问题,但下面的代码在 clanggcc 上运行和编译,并用 -std=c99-std=c11 测试:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define deprecation_message(symbol) \
   #symbol " will be removed from <header.h> in the next release\n" \
   "of $LIBRARY. To use " #symbol ", include <moved/header.h> instead."

#define make_pw__(...) _Pragma(#__VA_ARGS__)
#define make_pw_(...)  make_pw__(GCC warning #__VA_ARGS__)
#define make_pw(...)   make_pw_(__VA_ARGS__)

#define xmacro(a, b, c) puts("I'm working: " #a #b #c "!")
#define dmacro(a, b, c) make_pw(deprecation_message(dmacro)) xmacro(a, b, c)

    dmacro(x, y, z);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

现在,上面的代码将用 clang:

    #pragma GCC warning "2dmacro2 2 will be removed from <header.h> in the next release4n2 2of $LIBRARY. To use 2 2dmacro2 2, include <moved/header.h> instead.2"
    puts("I'm working: " "x" "y" "z" "!");
    return 0 /* Successful exit status.  */;

并将在 clang 上产生以下警告:

src/main.c:18:5: warning: "dmacro" " will be removed from <header.h> in the next release\n" "of $LIBRARY. To use " "dmacro" ", include <moved/header.h> instead." [-W#pragma-messages]
    dmacro(x, y, z);

以及 gcc 上的这个:

src/main.c:18:13: warning: "dmacro" " will be removed from <header.h> in the next release\n" "of $LIBRARY. To use " "dmacro" ", include <moved/header.h> instead."
     dmacro(x, y, z);



现在,有趣的是,如果你从 make_pw_ 中删除字符串化,那就是:

#define make_pw_(...)  make_pw__(GCC warning __VA_ARGS__)

然后 clang 会给你这个:

src/main.c:18:5: warning: dmacro will be removed from <header.h> in the next releaseof $LIBRARY. To use dmacro, include <moved/header.h> instead. [-W#pragma-messages]
    dmacro(x, y, z);

这很好,因为它没有不需要的引号,但是 GCC 只会给你这个:

src/main.c:18:13: warning: dmacro
     dmacro(x, y, z);

更奇怪的是,如果将 deprecation_message 更改为:

#define deprecation_message(symbol) "" #symbol "..."


老实说,我不知道这是 GCC 的错误,还是定义明确的行为,clang 正在做一些额外的工作以使其有意义除此之外,none 更少,这两个编译器的最新版本都会发生这种情况。 (如果非要我赌的话,我会说,这是个bug :P)


这是一个稍微修改过的版本,它适用于您在评论中描述的两种编译器。诀窍是,宏 DEPRECATED 有两个阶段,而不是一个阶段。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define DEPRECATED_(...) #__VA_ARGS__
#define DEPRECATED(symbol)                                                     \
    DEPRECATED_(#symbol will be removed from <header.h> in the next release\n  \
                of $LIBRARY. To use #symbol, include <moved/header.h> instead.)

#define PRAGMA_WARN_(message) _Pragma(#message)
#define PRAGMA_WARN(message)  PRAGMA_WARN_(GCC warning message)

#define dmacro(a, b, c)                                                        \
    PRAGMA_WARN(DEPRECATED(dmacro))                                            \
    puts("I'm working: " #a #b #c "!")

    dmacro(x, y, z);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

所以这将在 clang 中产生以下输出:

src/main.c:19:5: warning: "dmacro" will be removed from <header.h> in the next release of $LIBRARY. To use "dmacro", include <moved/header.h> instead. [-W#pragma-messages]
    dmacro(x, y, z);

以及 GCC 中的以下一项:

src/main.c:19:13: warning: "dmacro" will be removed from <header.h> in the next release
 of $LIBRARY. To use "dmacro", include <moved/header.h> instead.
     dmacro(x, y, z);

注意:我强烈建议您从邮件中删除 \n 字符!