为什么不推荐使用 hibernate-java8 (hibernate 5.x) jar?

Why is hibernate-java8 (hibernate 5.x) jar shown deprecated?

Hibernate 5 及更高版本支持 Java8 DateTime Api 通过 jar "hibernate-java8"。
但是 MavenRepository 显示消息已弃用 - 请改用 hibernate-core)除了 hibernate-java8 jar 的标题。

为什么 hibernate-java8 jar 被称为弃用,即使它需要获得对 [= 的休眠支持23=]?

您可以看到 Hibernate 的 Migration Guide。它指定

Hibernate 5.2 is built using Java 8 JDK and will require Java 8 JRE at runtime (we are investigating whether Java 9 will also work). This has a number of implications:

The hibernate-java8 module has been merged into hibernate-core and the Java 8 date/time types are now natively supported.

(todo) support for Java 8 Optional

(todo) support for other Java 8 features?

hibernate-java8模块已被删除;该功能已合并到 hibernate-core 中。


As this relies on Java 8 and Hibernate still maintains compatibility back to Java 6, a new module hibernate-java8 was added to isolate the Java 8 compatibility to just these classes. We will fold the classes from this module into hibernate-core once we baseline one Java 8.

由于 hibernate 不再维护 hibernate-java8 并且您可以看到 hibernate-java8 只不过是一个空的占位符。 Github & JIRA Detail.

因此,由于功能已合并到 hibernate-core 中; hibernate-java8 现在已贬值。
