如何获取作为 func 传递的匿名方法的参数值?

How can i get the parameter values of an anonymous method passed as a func?

我正在远程系统上调用方法。远程系统实现了一个接口,两个系统都有一个副本(通过共享的 nuget 存储库)。目前我正在发送这样的请求:

var oldRequest = new FooRequest("GetEmployeeById", new object[] { "myPartner", 42, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1) });


public class FooResponse<T> { }

public interface IFooController
    FooResponse<string> GetEmployeeById(string partnerName, int employeeId, DateTime? ifModifiedSince);

正如您所想象的那样,有时程序员在构造函数中以错误的顺序将参数传递给数组,结果开始失败。为了解决这个问题,我创建了以下代码以在创建 FooRequest:

public static FooRequest Create<T>(Func<FooResponse<T>> func)
    return new FooRequest(null, null); // Here goes some magic reflection stuff instead of null.

现在可以像这样创建 FooRequest

public static IFooController iFooController => (IFooController)new object();
public static FooRequest CreateRequest<T>(Func<FooResponse<T>> func)
    return FooRequest.Create(func);

var newRequest = CreateRequest(() => iFooController.GetEmployeeById("myPartner", 42, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)));

那么我的问题是:我如何才能在 FooRequest.Create-method 中获取方法的名称和参数的值?

我已经用尽了我的反思和 google 技能来寻找价值,但到目前为止运气不好。



public class Test {
    public static IFooController iFooController => (IFooController) new object();

    public static FooRequest CreateRequest<T>(Expression<Func<FooResponse<T>>> func) {
        return FooRequest.Create(func);

    public static void Main() {
        var newRequest = CreateRequest(() => iFooController.GetEmployeeById("myPartner", 42, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)));

public class FooRequest {
    public static FooRequest Create<T>(Expression<Func<FooResponse<T>>> func) {
        var call = (MethodCallExpression) func.Body;
        var arguments = new List<object>();
        foreach (var arg in call.Arguments) {
            var constant = arg as ConstantExpression;
            if (constant != null) {
            else {
                var evaled = Expression.Lambda(arg).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
        return new FooRequest(call.Method.Name, arguments.ToArray());

    public FooRequest(string function, object[] data = null) {
        //SendRequestToServiceBus(function, data);
        Console.Write($"Function name: {function}");

public class FooResponse<T> {

public interface IFooController {
    FooResponse<string> GetEmployeeById(string partnerName, int employeeId, DateTime? ifModifiedSince);