Adding comments in meteor. Error : 'insert failed'

Adding comments in meteor. Error : 'insert failed'

过去几个小时我一直在苦思冥想。我知道我犯了一个愚蠢的错误,但我似乎无法让代码正常工作。我不断收到 insert failed: Error: fritkotId is required 错误。任何帮助将不胜感激。


# collections/comments.js

// Schema Definitions
CommentSchema = new SimpleSchema({
    body: {
        type: String,
        label: 'Body'
    fritkot: {
        type: String,
        label: 'fritkotId',
        autoValue: function() {
            return Session.get('fritkotId', this._id)
            autoform: {
                type: 'hidden'
    author: {
        type: String,
        label: 'User',
        autoValue: function() {
            return this.userId
        autoform: {
            type: 'hidden'
    createdAt: {
        type: Date,
        label: 'Created At',
        autoValue: function() {
            return new Date()
        autoform: {
            type: 'hidden'

# collections/fritkots.js

import './comments.js

// Schema Definitions
FritkotSchema = new SimpleSchema({
    comments: {
        type: Array,
        optional: true
    'comments.$': {
        type: Object
    'comment.$.body': {
        type: String
    fav: {
        type: Boolean,
        defaultValue: false,
        optional: true,
        autoform: {
            type: 'hidden'
    name: {
        type: String,
        label: 'Name'
    address: {
        type: String,
        label: 'Address',
    postCode: {
        type: String,
        label: 'PostCode'
    gemeente: {
        type: String,
        label: 'Gemeente'
    info: {
        type: String,
        label: 'Description'
    author: {
        type: String,
        label: 'User',
        autoValue: function() {
            return this.userId
        autoform: {
            type: 'hidden'
    createdAt: {
        type: Date,
        label: 'Created At',
        autoValue: function() {
            return new Date()
        autoform: {
            type: 'hidden'


import './fritkotSingle.tpl.jade' //  Single Fritkot View Page

// On Creation
Template.fritkotSingle.onCreated(function() {
    let self = this;

    self.autorun(() => {

        let fritkotId = FlowRouter.getParam('fritkotId');
        self.subscribe('singleFritkot', fritkotId);

// Helpers
    fritkot: () => {
        let fritkotId = FlowRouter.getParam('fritkotId');
        let fritkot = Fritkots.findOne( { _id: fritkotId } ) || {};

        return fritkot
    editable: function () {
        return Session.equals('editFritkotId', true)
    // comments: function() {
    //  // let fritkot =  Fritkots.findOne( { id: Session.get(this._id)} );
    //  let fritkot =  Fritkots.findOne( { _id: this._id } );
    //  return fritkot.comments
    // },
    commentsCount: function() {
        return Comments.find( { fritkotId: this._id} ).count();
        console.log(`There are ${Comments.find( { fritkotId: this._id} ).count()} comments written by this user`);
        // comments: () => {
        // look up comments that have matching fritkotId
        // loop thru comments
    // }


with fritkot
    if editable
                h3.card__title= name
                p.card__content{{commentsCount}} comments
                p.card__content= address
                    = gemeente
                    span.card__content= postCode
                p.card__info= info
                if fav
                    button.card__btn.btn--isDenied.toggle-fav Remove from Favorites
                    button.card__btn.btn--isAllow.toggle-fav Add to Favorites
                    //- button.card__btn.toggle-fav Add to Favorites
                button.card__btn.form-delete Delete
                //- button.card__btn.btn--isEdit.form-edit Edit
                button.card__btn.form-edit Edit


import './newComment.tpl.jade'{
    'click .form-save': (e) => {

        let body = $('.new-comment').val();

            // check(id, String);
            body: body,
            createdAt: new Date()

        console.log('A comment was inserted with this text: ' + body);
        Session.set('newComment', false);

        // FlowRouter.go('fritkotSingle');
        // console.log('redirecting');
    'click .form-close': (e) => {

        Session.set('newComment', false);

我认为我的问题要么出在我的架构定义上,要么出在我在 newComment 表单上调用插入的方式上。我需要以某种方式将 fritkotId 传递给我的评论并在我保存时将其插入,但我在定义它的位置时遇到了问题。

Meteor 的 Session.get(key) 方法只接受一个参数。看来您正在为 fritkot.autoValue 条目的模式中的 Session.get() 方法传递两个参数:

fritkot: {
  type: String,
  label: 'fritkotId',
  autoValue: function() {
    return Session.get('fritkotId', this._id)
  autoform: {
    type: 'hidden'


fritkot: {
  type: String,
  label: 'fritkotId',
  autoValue: Session.get('fritkotId'),
  autoform: {
    type: 'hidden'

编辑:所以问题出在我的 collection/comments.js 上。显然,在 SimpleSchema 和调用 Comments.insert 中声明不同的字段不允许我使用 fritkotId 添加评论。

我暂时把 SimpleSchema 定义注释掉了。


Comments = new Mongo.Collection('comments')

// Permissions
    insert: (userId, doc) => {
        // return !! userId;
        return true
    update: (userId, doc) => {
        return !! userId;
    remove: (userId, doc) => {
        return !! userId;

// Schema Definitions
// CommentSchema = new SimpleSchema({
//  body: {
//      type: String,
//      label: 'Body',
//      min: 1,
//      max: 140
//  },
//  author: {
//      type: String,
//      label: 'User',
//      autoValue: function() {
//          return this.userId
//      },
//      autoform: {
//          type: 'hidden'
//      }
//  },
//  createdAt: {
//      type: Date,
//      label: 'Created At',
//      autoValue: function() {
//          if (this.isInsert) {
//              return new Date()
//          } else if (this.isUpsert) {
//              return { $setOnInsert: new Date }
//          } else {
//              this.unset()
//          }
//      },
//      autoform: {
//          type: 'hidden'
//      }
//  },
//  lastUpdatedAt: {
//      type: Date,
//      autoValue: function() {
//          if (this.isUpdate) {
//              return new Date ()
//          }
//      },
//      denyInsert: true,
//      optional: true
//  } 
// });

// Methods
    // updateComment: (id) => {
    //  Comments.update(id, {
    //      $set: { text:  }
    //  }),
    createComment: function (commentContent, fritkotId)  {
        check(commentContent, String);
        check(fritkotId, String);

        let currentUserId = Meteor.userId();

        if(currentUserId && fritkotId) {
                body: commentContent,
                author: currentUserId,
                fritkotId: fritkotId,
                createdAt: new Date()
        } else {
            throw new Meteor.Error('you must comment on a fritkot');
    updateComment: (id) => {
        // Session.set('editComment', true);
    deleteComment: (id) => {

// Comments.attachSchema( CommentSchema );

不,我需要让它与 SimpleSchema
