(Python) 帮助修改剪贴板中的字符串
(Python) Help in modfiying a string from the clipboard
基本上,我将 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lists_of_lists 中的一堆列表复制到我的剪贴板中。
当我 运行 我的程序时,它会在每一行前后添加项目符号。
Lists of Iranian films
•• Lists of Iranian films ••
#bulletPointAdder.py - Adds Wikipedia bullet points to the start and end
#of each line of text on the clipboard
import pyperclip
text=pyperclip.paste() #paste a big string of text from clipboard into the 'text' string
# Separate lines and add stars
lines = text.split('\n') #'lines' contains a list of all the individual lines up until '\n'
#lines= ['list of iserael films', 'list of italian films' ...]
for i in range(len(lines)): #loop through all indexes in the "lines" list
lines[i] = '••' + lines[i] + '••' #add bullets before and after each line
text = '\n'.join(lines) #put a '\n' in between the list members (joins them) into a single string
List of Israeli films before 1960
List of Israeli films of the 1960s
List of Israeli films of the 1970s
List of Israeli films of the 1980s
••List of Israeli films before 1960••••List of Israeli films of the 1960s••••List of Israeli films of the 1970s••••List of Israeli films of the 1980s••
对您的代码做一点小改动(使用 os.linesep 而不是 '\n'
import os
import pyperclip
#paste will paste a big string of text in 'text' string
# Separate lines and add stars
lines = text.split(os.linesep) #lines contains a list of all the individual lines up cut before newline
#lines= ['list of iserael films', 'list of italian films' ...]
for i in range(len(lines)): #loop through all indexes in the "lines" list
lines[i] = '••' + lines[i] + '••' #add bullets before and after each line
text = os.linesep.join(lines) #put a newline in between the list members (joins them) into a single string
通常,"new line" 指的是通常被解释为表示换行的任何字符集,其中包括:
- CR LF DOS/Windows
- 旧款 Mac 上的 CR
- Unix 变体(包括现代 Mac)上的 LF
CR是Carriage Return ASCII字符(Code 0x0D),通常表示为\r。 LF 是换行字符(代码 0x0A),通常表示为 \n.
我只是想让你写一个与平台无关的解决方案。因此 os.linesep
基本上,我将 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lists_of_lists 中的一堆列表复制到我的剪贴板中。 当我 运行 我的程序时,它会在每一行前后添加项目符号。
Lists of Iranian films
•• Lists of Iranian films ••
#bulletPointAdder.py - Adds Wikipedia bullet points to the start and end
#of each line of text on the clipboard
import pyperclip
text=pyperclip.paste() #paste a big string of text from clipboard into the 'text' string
# Separate lines and add stars
lines = text.split('\n') #'lines' contains a list of all the individual lines up until '\n'
#lines= ['list of iserael films', 'list of italian films' ...]
for i in range(len(lines)): #loop through all indexes in the "lines" list
lines[i] = '••' + lines[i] + '••' #add bullets before and after each line
text = '\n'.join(lines) #put a '\n' in between the list members (joins them) into a single string
List of Israeli films before 1960
List of Israeli films of the 1960s
List of Israeli films of the 1970s
List of Israeli films of the 1980s
••List of Israeli films before 1960••••List of Israeli films of the 1960s••••List of Israeli films of the 1970s••••List of Israeli films of the 1980s••
对您的代码做一点小改动(使用 os.linesep 而不是 '\n'
import os
import pyperclip
#paste will paste a big string of text in 'text' string
# Separate lines and add stars
lines = text.split(os.linesep) #lines contains a list of all the individual lines up cut before newline
#lines= ['list of iserael films', 'list of italian films' ...]
for i in range(len(lines)): #loop through all indexes in the "lines" list
lines[i] = '••' + lines[i] + '••' #add bullets before and after each line
text = os.linesep.join(lines) #put a newline in between the list members (joins them) into a single string
通常,"new line" 指的是通常被解释为表示换行的任何字符集,其中包括:
- CR LF DOS/Windows
- 旧款 Mac 上的 CR
- Unix 变体(包括现代 Mac)上的 LF
CR是Carriage Return ASCII字符(Code 0x0D),通常表示为\r。 LF 是换行字符(代码 0x0A),通常表示为 \n.
我只是想让你写一个与平台无关的解决方案。因此 os.linesep