为什么在 Go 中锁定比 Java 慢得多?在 Mutex.Lock() Mutex.Unlock() 中花费了很多时间

Why Locking in Go much slower than Java? Lot's of time spent in Mutex.Lock() Mutex.Unlock()

我编写了一个小型 Go 库 (go-patan) that collects a running min/max/avg/stddev of certain variables. I compared it to an equivalent Java implementation (patan),令我惊讶的是 Java 实现速度要快得多。我想明白为什么。


type Store struct {
   durations map[string]*Distribution
   counters  map[string]int64
   samples   map[string]*Distribution

   lock *sync.Mutex

func (store *Store) addSample(key string, value int64) {
  store.addToStore(store.samples, key, value)

func (store *Store) addDuration(key string, value int64) {
  store.addToStore(store.durations, key, value)

func (store *Store) addToCounter(key string, value int64) {
  defer store.lock.Unlock()
  store.counters[key] = store.counters[key] + value

func (store *Store) addToStore(destination map[string]*Distribution, key string, value int64) {
  defer store.lock.Unlock()
  distribution, exists := destination[key]
  if !exists {
    distribution = NewDistribution()
    destination[key] = distribution

我已经对 GO 和 Java 实现 (go-benchmark-gist, java-benchmark-gist) 进行了基准测试,并且 Java 到目前为止获胜,但我不明白为什么:

Go Results:
10 threads with 20000 items took 133 millis
100 threads with 20000 items took 1809 millis
1000 threads with 20000 items took 17576 millis
10 threads with 200000 items took 1228 millis
100 threads with 200000 items took 17900 millis

Java Results:
10 threads with 20000 items takes 89 millis
100 threads with 20000 items takes 265 millis
1000 threads with 20000 items takes 2888 millis  
10 threads with 200000 items takes 311 millis
100 threads with 200000 items takes 3067 millis

我已经使用 Go 的 pprof 分析了程序并生成了一个调用图 call-graph。这表明它基本上所有时间都花在 sync.(*Mutex).Lock() 和 sync.(*Mutex).Unlock().

根据分析器的 Top20 调用:

(pprof) top20
59110ms of 73890ms total (80.00%)
Dropped 22 nodes (cum <= 369.45ms)
Showing top 20 nodes out of 65 (cum >= 50220ms)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
    8900ms 12.04% 12.04%     8900ms 12.04%  runtime.futex
    7270ms  9.84% 21.88%     7270ms  9.84%  runtime/internal/atomic.Xchg
    7020ms  9.50% 31.38%     7020ms  9.50%  runtime.procyield
    4560ms  6.17% 37.56%     4560ms  6.17%  sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32
    4400ms  5.95% 43.51%     4400ms  5.95%  runtime/internal/atomic.Xadd
    4210ms  5.70% 49.21%    22040ms 29.83%  runtime.lock
    3650ms  4.94% 54.15%     3650ms  4.94%  runtime/internal/atomic.Cas
    3260ms  4.41% 58.56%     3260ms  4.41%  runtime/internal/atomic.Load
    2220ms  3.00% 61.56%    22810ms 30.87%  sync.(*Mutex).Lock
    1870ms  2.53% 64.10%     1870ms  2.53%  runtime.osyield
    1540ms  2.08% 66.18%    16740ms 22.66%  runtime.findrunnable
    1430ms  1.94% 68.11%     1430ms  1.94%  runtime.freedefer
    1400ms  1.89% 70.01%     1400ms  1.89%  sync/atomic.AddUint32
    1250ms  1.69% 71.70%     1250ms  1.69%  github.com/toefel18/go-patan/statistics/lockbased.(*Distribution).addSample
    1240ms  1.68% 73.38%     3140ms  4.25%  runtime.deferreturn
    1070ms  1.45% 74.83%     6520ms  8.82%  runtime.systemstack
    1010ms  1.37% 76.19%     1010ms  1.37%  runtime.newdefer
    1000ms  1.35% 77.55%     1000ms  1.35%  runtime.mapaccess1_faststr
     950ms  1.29% 78.83%    15660ms 21.19%  runtime.semacquire
     860ms  1.16% 80.00%    50220ms 67.97%  main.Benchmrk.func1

有人可以解释为什么在 Go 中锁定似乎比在 Java 中慢得多,我做错了什么?我还在 Go 中编写了一个基于通道的实现,但速度更慢。

最好避免在需要高性能的微型函数中使用 defer,因为它很昂贵。在大多数其他情况下,没有必要避免它,因为 defer 的成本被它周围的代码所抵消。

我还建议使用 lock sync.Mutex 而不是使用指针。指针为程序员带来了少量额外工作(初始化,nil 错误),并为垃圾收集器带来了少量额外工作。

我还在 golang-nuts group. The reply from Jesper Louis Andersen 上发布了这个问题,很好地解释了 Java 使用同步优化技术,例如锁转义 analysis/lock 省略和锁粗化。

Java JIT 可能正在获取锁并允许在锁内一次进行多个更新以提高性能。我 运行 Java 与 -Djava.compiler=NONE 的基准测试提供了显着的性能,但不是一个公平的比较。
