Is it possible to adjust the cursor blink rate?
是否可以在 Vim 编辑器中调整光标闪烁率(在正常模式和插入模式下)?如果这是可能的,如何才能做到?
:set guicursor=i:blinkwait700-blinkon400-blinkoff250
这改变了光标在插入模式下的闪烁(使用 n-v-i 用于正常、可视和插入模式)。根据您的需要调整时间。
来自文档help guicursor
blink times for cursor: blinkwait is the delay before
the cursor starts blinking, blinkon is the time that
the cursor is shown and blinkoff is the time that the
cursor is not shown. The times are in msec. When one
of the numbers is zero, there is no blinking. The
default is: "blinkwait700-blinkon400-blinkoff250".
是否可以在 Vim 编辑器中调整光标闪烁率(在正常模式和插入模式下)?如果这是可能的,如何才能做到?
:set guicursor=i:blinkwait700-blinkon400-blinkoff250
这改变了光标在插入模式下的闪烁(使用 n-v-i 用于正常、可视和插入模式)。根据您的需要调整时间。
来自文档help guicursor
blink times for cursor: blinkwait is the delay before the cursor starts blinking, blinkon is the time that the cursor is shown and blinkoff is the time that the cursor is not shown. The times are in msec. When one of the numbers is zero, there is no blinking. The default is: "blinkwait700-blinkon400-blinkoff250".