Heroku 没有获取自动前缀配置设置

Heroku not picking up autoprefixer config settings

我正在部署到 Heroku,但遇到 Heroku 无法在我的 config/autoprefixer.yml 文件中获取设置的问题。当我在本地预编译资产时,它可以工作。但是在 slug 编译期间编译资产时,只有默认的自动前缀设置有效。


这是我从 Heroku 支持那里得到的解决问题的回复:

This could be a caching issue during slug compilation. Assets are only compiled if the source file has changed, otherwise sprockets will reuse the previously compiled files. To rule this out, can you purge the dyno cache by installing https://github.com/heroku/heroku-repo and running heroku repo:purge_cache -a appname, then redeploy your application with assets set to precompile.