Node.js EventEmitter:如何将 class 上下文绑定到事件侦听器,然后删除此侦听器

Node.js EventEmitter: How to bind a class context to the event listener and then remove this listener

有没有办法在事件侦听器方法中访问 class 上下文并有可能删除侦听器?

示例 1:

import {EventEmitter} from "events";

export default class EventsExample1 {
    private emitter: EventEmitter;

    constructor(private text: string) {
        this.emitter = new EventEmitter();

        this.emitter.addListener("test", this.handleTestEvent);

    public dispose() {
        this.emitter.removeListener("test", this.handleTestEvent);

    private handleTestEvent() {

在此示例中,删除侦听器有效,但 handleTestEvent() 方法无法使用 this 访问 class 上下文。 this 指向 EventEmitter 上下文,因此 this.text 不可访问。

示例 2:

import {EventEmitter} from "events";

export default class EventsExample2 {
    private emitter: EventEmitter;

    constructor(private text: string) {
        this.emitter = new EventEmitter();

        this.emitter.addListener("test", this.handleTestEvent.bind(this));

    public dispose() {
        this.emitter.removeListener("test", this.handleTestEvent);

    private handleTestEvent() {

在这个例子中,我使用的是 bind function to bind a context of the class to the event listener. Now handleTestEvent method has access to the class context using this => this.text is accessible, but listener cannot be removed with removeListener - bind 似乎创建了一个新的匿名函数,因此没有对有界侦听器的引用。

示例 3:

import {EventEmitter} from "events";

export default class EventsExample3 {
    private emitter: EventEmitter;

    constructor(private text: string) {
        this.emitter = new EventEmitter();

        this.emitter.addListener("test", () => this.handleTestEvent());

    public dispose() {
        this.emitter.removeListener("test", this.handleTestEvent);

    private handleTestEvent() {

在此示例中,我使用箭头函数在事件侦听器中保留 class 的上下文。 handleTestEvent 方法可以使用 this 访问 class 上下文,但无法删除侦听器(没有对示例 2 中的有界侦听器的引用)。

我尝试了另一个事件库 - 来自 Node.js 的 EventEmitter3 which has a support for custom context for events (class context can be passed as third parameter to the addListener function (this.emitter.addListener("test", this.handleTestEvent, this), it works perfectly, but I rather want to use the included EventEmitter


this.handleTestEvent = this.handleTestEvent.bind(this);
this.emitter.addListener("test", this.handleTestEvent);

如果要使用切边,可以使用proposed bind operator作为快捷方式:

this.handleTestEvent = ::this.handleTestEvent;
this.emitter.addListener("test", this.handleTestEvent);

或使用property initializer创建绑定方法:

constructor(private text: string) {
  this.emitter = new EventEmitter();

  this.emitter.addListener("test", this.handleTestEvent);

handleTestEvent = () => {

我也无法在 class 中删除侦听器。这对我有用(参见:

emitter.on('error', this.onError.bind(this));
this.onErrorListener = emitter.rawListeners('error').splice(-1)[0];
...'error', this.onErrorListener);