确定 Facebook 应用程序是否从 Unity 安装

Determining if Facebook app is installed from Unity

我们正在使用 Facebook SDK for Unity (v6.0),现在我想知道是否有一种方法可以检查设备上是否安装了 Facebook 应用程序。

原因是 Facebook SDK 中存在错误(参见此处:bug

我想识别这种情况(仅在安装 FB 应用程序时发生),并做出相应的反应。

"In order to use a native plugin you firstly need to write functions in a C-based language to access whatever features you need and compile them into a library. In Unity, you will also need to create a C# script which calls functions in the native library." from http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/NativePlugins.html

所以,基本上你需要在 Objective-C 中编写你的代码,并提供 Unity 和本机代码之间的通信。

检查Facebook APP需要实现的代码是;

(void) checkFacebookApp
   if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURLURLWithString:@"fb://"]])   
      return true;

但是您需要在 Unity 和 Xcode 项目之间进行一些通信。所以;

 class SomeScript : MonoBehaviour {


   // On iOS and Xbox 360 plugins are statically linked into
   // the executable, so we have to use __Internal as the
   // library name.
   [DllImport ("__Internal")]


   // Other platforms load plugins dynamically, so pass the name
   // of the plugin's dynamic library.
   [DllImport ("PluginName")]


   private static extern float checkFacebookApp ();

   void Awake () {
      // Calls the FooPluginFunction inside the plugin
      // And prints 5 to the console
      bool check = checkFacebookApp ();