gulp 用 babel 观看然后 pm2 重启

gulp watch with babel then pm2 restart


基本上我希望我的本地开发人员能够 gulp 观看我的 src js 文件并用 babel 转换它们并将它们输出到我的 dist 文件夹,然后在完成后让 pm2 重新启动节点到加载最新的更改。

我遇到的问题是我这辈子都想不出如何添加一个回调来观察,以便重启 pm2 的调用只发生在 babel 完成其神奇的文件转换之后。

var gulp = require("gulp");
var babel = require("gulp-babel");
var pm2 = require("pm2");
var watch = require("gulp-watch");
var plumber = require("gulp-plumber");

var SRC = "src/**/*js";
var DIST = "dist/";

function restartPM2() {
  //restart pm2 code in here

gulp.task("default", function () {
  return gulp.src(SRC)
    // somewhere in here need a call back after babel has transformed  
    // the code and saved it to dist/ to then call restartPM2



var paths = {
  babel: './somedir'

//basic babel task
gulp.task('babel', function() {
  return gulp.src(paths.babel)

//see below for some links about programmatic pm2
gulp.task('pm2', function(cb) {
  pm2.connect(function() {
    pm2.restart('echo', function() { 
      return cb()

gulp.task('default', ['babel']) //I don't restart pm2 with the default task but you could

//the watch task
gulp.task('watch', function() {
  //their could be more watchers here ofc, ['babel', 'pm2'])

如果您启动 gulp watch,它将监视 paths.babel 并在更改时执行两个任务(babel、pm2)。 如果您只执行 gulp(或本例中的 gulp babel),它将启动相应的任务。您也可以启动 gulp pm2
