如何使用不同的模型设置使 UnitTests 运行 两次

How to make UnitTests run twice with different mockup settings

我有一个支持多种部署模式的项目:InMem、OnPremise、Cloud。 此外,每个项目都有像 TimeDistance 这样的小服务,可以连接到 WCF,或者连接到 API。

在 unitTestMockup 中我可以说出我想使用哪一个:

Service.TimeDistance = new WCFTimeDistance() / new APITimeDistance().

直到现在我只有 WCFTimeDistance 但现在我们处于过渡模式以移动到 APITimeDistance 但与此同时我想要 运行 运行 的测试两次,一次使用 WCF 一次使用 API.


I use C# 4.5
Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework as framework for unitTests


1)Mockup: Service.TimeDistance = new WCFTimeDistance();
2)UnitTest: CheckDistanceBetweenTwoLocationsTest()
Service.TimeDistance.CalculateDistance(Location1, Location2) // WCFTimeDistance
3)Mockup: Service.TimeDistance = new APITimeDistance();
UnitTest: CheckDistanceBetweenTwoLocationsTest()
4)Service.TimeDistance.CalculateDistance(Location1, Location2) //    APITimeDistance

创建两个单元测试。还要考虑使用抽象而不是静态 类。这将使模拟和测试更容易。


public class TimeDistanceTests {
    //change these to the needed types
    object Location1;
    object Location2;
    double expected;

    public void Init() {
        //...setup the two locations and expectations
        Location1 = //...
        Location2 = //...
        expected = //...the distance.

    public void Check_Distance_Between_Two_Locations_Using_WCF() {
        var sut = new WCFTimeDistance();
        var actual = sut.CalculateDistance(Location1, Location2);
        //...some assertion proving that test passes or failed
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

    public void Check_Distance_Between_Two_Locations_Using_API() {
        var sut = new APITimeDistance();
        var actual = sut.CalculateDistance(Location1, Location2);
        //...some assertion proving that test passes or failed
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


public interface ITimeDistance {
    double CalculateDistance(Location location1, Location location2);


public class Service {
    ITimeDistance timeDistance
    public Service(ITimeDistance timeDistance) {
        this.timeDistance = timeDistance;

    public ITimeDistance TimeDistance { get { return timeDistance; } }
