
Where i can obtain client secret for my Universal app?

我正在按照本指南操作 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/apps/hh465407) to implement push notifications on my app, but it seems to be outdated since I can't find the client secret as shown in this image:

在开发人员仪表板(应用程序标识选项卡)中,我只有 SID。

我还查看了 Windows Live Services 站点,但只有密码和私钥。没有客户端密码:

我在哪里可以找到 msdn 教程中显示的确切客户端密码?

该文档已过时,因为您在应用程序上实现推送通知,我假设您使用的是 Azure 通知中心,那么您可以参考 Add push notifications to your Windows app:

I also checked Windows Live Services site but there are only passwords and private keys. There is no client secret:


Azure also can't validate my app with provided SID (from Dev center dashboard) and password (from Windows Live Services site). i.imgur.com/VH1YIlo.png Maybe password != client secret?

Application Secret 正是我们所需要的,您需要一些步骤 verify/do:

  1. 检查你在Azure Dashboard中填写的Package SID不要添加多余的字符,比如Space个字符。

  2. 如果仍然无法通过验证,请生成新密码:



    3).在 Azure 仪表板中使用新密码