带有格式化字符串的 istream 提取值

istream extraction values with formatted string

我在 istream 中有这个格式化的字符串。

(5, -4)


  1. 左括号
  2. 一个整数
  3. 逗号和space
  4. 另一个整数
  5. 右括号


这是在 class 这样的:

class MyPoint
   MyPoint() = default;
   ~MyPoint() = default;
   friend ostream & operator>>(ostream & lhs, MyPoint const & rhs);
   int x, y;

ostream & operator>>(ostream & lhs, MyPoint const & rhs) {
    // ???



#ifndef MYPOINT_H
#define MYPOINT_H

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class MyPoint
    MyPoint() : mX{ 0 }, mY{ 0 } { ; }
    MyPoint(int x, int y) : mX{ x }, mY{ y } { ; }
    ~MyPoint() = default;

    int x() const { return mX; }
    int y() const { return mY; }
    void setX(int x) { mX = x; }
    void setY(int y) { mY = y; }

    MyPoint operator-() const { return MyPoint(-mX, mY); }
    MyPoint operator+(MyPoint rhs) const { rhs.mX += mX; rhs.mY += mY; return rhs; }
    MyPoint operator-(MyPoint rhs) const { rhs.mX = mX - rhs.mX; rhs.mY = mY - rhs.mY; return rhs; }
    MyPoint operator*(MyPoint rhs) const { rhs.mX *= mX; rhs.mY *= mY; return rhs; }
    MyPoint operator/(MyPoint rhs) const { rhs.mX = mX / rhs.mX; rhs.mY = mY / rhs.mY; return rhs; }
    MyPoint operator%(MyPoint rhs) const { rhs.mX = mX % rhs.mX; rhs.mY = mY % rhs.mY; return rhs; }

    friend MyPoint operator+(int lhs, MyPoint const & rhs);
    friend MyPoint operator-(int lhs, MyPoint const & rhs);
    friend MyPoint operator*(int lhs, MyPoint const & rhs);
    friend MyPoint operator/(int lhs, MyPoint const & rhs);
    friend MyPoint operator%(int lhs, MyPoint const & rhs);

    friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & lhs, MyPoint const & rhs);
    friend istream & operator>>(istream & lhs, MyPoint & rhs);

    int mX, mY;


#endif //MYPOINT_H


#include "MyPoint.h"

MyPoint operator+(int lhs, MyPoint const & rhs) {
    return MyPoint(lhs + rhs.mX, lhs + rhs.mY);
MyPoint operator-(int lhs, MyPoint const & rhs) {
    return MyPoint(lhs - rhs.mX, lhs - rhs.mY);
MyPoint operator*(int lhs, MyPoint const & rhs) {
    return MyPoint(lhs * rhs.mX, lhs * rhs.mY);
MyPoint operator/(int lhs, MyPoint const & rhs) {
    return MyPoint(lhs / rhs.mX, lhs / rhs.mY);
MyPoint operator%(int lhs, MyPoint const & rhs) {
    return MyPoint(lhs % rhs.mX, lhs % rhs.mY);

ostream & operator<<(ostream & lhs, MyPoint const & rhs) {
    return lhs << "(" << rhs.mX << "," << rhs.mY << ")";
istream & operator >> (istream & lhs, MyPoint & rhs) {
    return lhs >> "(" >> rhs.mX >> "," >> rhs.mY >> ")"; // HERE is the compiling error


MyPoint p1, p2(2, -2);
cout << p1 << endl;
cout << p2 << endl;

对于这个文件,我得到了这个错误: 错误 C2679 二进制“>>”:未找到接受类型 'const char [2]' 的右手操作数的运算符(或没有可接受的转换)

对于这种情况,我经常发现定义 operator>> 的重载以从流中读取预定义的字符串很方便:

std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, char const *pat) {

    char ch;
    while (isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(is.peek())))

    while (*pat && is && *pat == is.peek() && is.get(ch)) {

    // if we didn't reach the end of the pattern, matching failed (mismatch, premature EOF, etc.)
    if (*pat) {

    return is;


istream & operator>>(istream & lhs, MyPoint & rhs) {
    return lhs >> "(" >> rhs.x >> "," >> rhs.y >> ")";

这将像大多数典型的重载一样执行操作,并在您提供的模式不匹配时设置流的失败位。就目前而言,输入中的每个字符串前面都可以有任意白色 space(就像数字等的转换一样)。


另请注意,我必须更改您对 operator>> 位的定义;在这个问题中,它看起来像是 operator<< 的重载,只是将这两个字符更改为 operator>>


#include <iostream>

std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, char const *pat) {
    // implementation above

class Point {
    int x, y;

    friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, Point &p) { 
        return is >> "(" >> p.x >>"," >> p.y >> ")";

    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Point const &p) { 
        return os << "(" << p.x <<", " << p.y << ")";

int main() {
    Point p;

    std::cout << "Please enter a point: ";
    std::cin >> p;
    std::cout << "Thanks. Point: " << p << '\n';

使用 VC++ 2013、VC++ 2015 和 g++ 6.1 进行了测试(但这根本没有突破编译器的极限,所以我希望它能工作很好,即使编译器太老了,它们通常都被严重破坏了(例如,gcc 2.x 或 VC++ 6.0)。