Spring 内部方法未触发 Hystrix

Spring Hystrix not triggered on inner methods

我正在尝试在 spring 引导应用程序中包含 Hystrix 断路器。 我的应用程序是一个标准的 spring boot 1.4.1,带有 spring-cloud-hystrix v 1.2.0 应用程序,带有单个控制器 class,它调用服务 class "aggregate"方法。 此方法使用内部私有方法在内部调用两个服务。

如果我用@HystrixCommand 注释 "aggregate" 方法一切正常,但如果注释其他内部方法 Hystrix 似乎不会被触发


public class AggregationService {

    Service1 service1Client;

    Service2 service2Client;

    private static final String QUERY = "query";
    private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger();
    private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

    //    fallbackMethod = "emptyResult",
    //    groupKey = "aggregation-service",
    //    commandKey = "aggregate")
    public AggregationResponse aggregate(final AggregationParams params)
            throws ApiException, IOException {

        final String query = queryExplain(params);
        final WrapperQueryBuilder wrappedQuery = QueryBuilders.wrapperQuery(query);
        final SearchResponse aggregationResult = searchAggregation(params, wrappedQuery);

        return toDtoResponse(aggregationResult.getAggregations().get(params.getAggregationField().name().toLowerCase()));

        fallbackMethod = "emptyAggregationResult",
        groupKey = "aggregation-service",
        commandKey = "searchAggregation")
    private SearchResponse searchAggregation(final AggregationParams params, final WrapperQueryBuilder query) {

        return ... do something with service 2 ....

    //    @HystrixCommand(
    //        fallbackMethod = "rethrowTimeoutException",
    //        groupKey = "aggregation-service",
    //        commandKey = "query-for-aggregation",
    //        ignoreExceptions = TimeoutException.class)
    private String queryExplain(final AggregationParams params) throws ApiException, IOException {
        final String queryAsString = ... do something with service 1 ....

    private String rethrowTimeoutException(final AggregationParams params, final Throwable e) {
        log.error("On Hystrix fallback because of ", e);
        return null;

    private SearchResponse emptyAggregationResult(final AggregationParams params, final WrapperQueryBuilder query, final Throwable e) {
        log.error("On Hystrix fallback because of ", e);
        return null;



    public AggregationResponse aggregate(... some params ...) throws ApiException, IOException {

... omissis ....

        return aggregationService.aggregate(params);

我的配置 class 有这些注释:


我的 application.properties 包含:


为了捕捉 hystrix 的执行,我特意将执行隔离的超时设置为 1MS。

奇怪的是,只有放在 "aggergate" 方法上的 @HystrixCommand 似乎被触发,而其他的则没有,所以如果我在顶部注释注释 "aggregate" 没有触发超时错误,如果我取消注释 "missing fallback exeption" 被触发

我在问我配置有误吗? @HystrixCommand 必须只放在 "called" 方法上,不能用于内部方法吗?



Javanica 使用 HystrixCommandAspect aspect to detect methods annotated with the HystrixCommand annotation, and it seems that the pointcut 定义仅影响 public 方法。

更新:有一个 bug report 与此特定问题相关。