如何将 panic=abort 与外部依赖项一起使用?

How to use panic=abort with external dependencies?

对于单个 crate 项目,将这些行添加到 Cargo.toml 会按预期工作。

panic = "abort"


cargo build --release


    Compiling c_vec v1.0.12
error: the linked panic runtime `panic_unwind` is not compiled with this crate's panic strategy `abort`

error: aborting due to previous error

Build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: Could not compile `c_vec`.

c_vec crate 是间接使用的依赖项。

如何在没有冲突的多 crate 项目上使用 panic=abort


看起来是因为 c_vecdylib 指定为其库类型之一。

我在 Github 上发现这是一个问题:https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/2738

ah unfortunately that's a bad error message but it's because of crate-type = ["dylib", "rlib"] in the c_vec crate. This causes Cargo to pass -C prefer-dynamic which links to the dylib that we ship which is compiled against panic_unwind, meaning the abort mode is indeed invalid (this error is coming from the compiler).

The fix here would be to remove "dylib" from the c_vec crate.

当然,您必须创建自己的 lodepngc_vec 来解决这个问题。