FreeRTOS 匈牙利表示法

FreeRTOS Hungarian Notation

我是 RTOS 和 C 编程的完全新手,我仍然在习惯 C 的良好做法。所以我打开了一个使用 FreeRTOS 的项目,我注意到 OS 文件使用匈牙利表示法。我知道一点符号,但在 FreeRTOS.h 文件中遇到了一些新的 "standards",它们是:

#ifndef configASSERT
    #define configASSERT( x )
    #define configASSERT_DEFINED 0
    #define configASSERT_DEFINED 1


#ifndef INCLUDE_xTaskGetSchedulerState
    #define INCLUDE_xTaskGetSchedulerState 0

#ifndef INCLUDE_xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle
    #define INCLUDE_xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle 0

我见过这个 x - 如 xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle - 无处不在。此外,vpd 和类似的变量名称,如所讨论的 header 的第 728 行:

    #define eTaskStateGet eTaskGetState
    #define portTickType TickType_t
    #define xTaskHandle TaskHandle_t
    #define xQueueHandle QueueHandle_t
    #define xSemaphoreHandle SemaphoreHandle_t
    #define xQueueSetHandle QueueSetHandle_t
    #define xQueueSetMemberHandle QueueSetMemberHandle_t
    #define xTimeOutType TimeOut_t
    #define xMemoryRegion MemoryRegion_t
    #define xTaskParameters TaskParameters_t
    #define xTaskStatusType TaskStatus_t
    #define xTimerHandle TimerHandle_t
    #define xCoRoutineHandle CoRoutineHandle_t
    #define pdTASK_HOOK_CODE TaskHookFunction_t
    #define portTICK_RATE_MS portTICK_PERIOD_MS

    /* Backward compatibility within the scheduler code only - these definitions
    are not really required but are included for completeness. */
    #define tmrTIMER_CALLBACK TimerCallbackFunction_t
    #define pdTASK_CODE TaskFunction_t
    #define xListItem ListItem_t
    #define xList List_t

我到处搜索 "initials" 代表什么,但仍然无法弄清楚。


正在查看the man

Naming Conventions

The RTOS kernel and demo application source code use the following conventions:


  • Variables of type uint32_t are prefixed ul, where the 'u' denotes unsigned and the 'l' denotes long.

  • Variables of type uint16_t are prefixed us, where the 'u' denotes 'unsigned' and the 's' denotes short.

  • Variables of type uint8_t are prefixed uc, where the 'u' denotes 'unsigned' and the 'c' denotes char.

  • Variables of non stdint types are prefixed x. Examples include BaseType_t and TickType_t, which are portable layer defined typedefs for the natural or most efficient type for the architecture and the type used to hold the RTOS tick count respectively.

  • Unsigned variables of non stdint types have an additional prefix u. For example variables of type UBaseType_t (unsigned BaseType_t) are prefixed ux.

  • Variables of type size_t are also prefixed x.

  • Enumerated variables are prefixed e

  • Pointers have an additional prefixed p, for example a pointer to a uint16_t will have prefix pus.

  • In line with MISRA guides, unqualified standard char types are only permitted to hold ASCII characters and are prefixed c.

  • In line with MISRA guides, variables of type char * are only permitted to hold pointers to ASCII strings and are prefixed pc.



  • File scope static (private) functions are prefixed with prv.

  • API functions are prefixed with their return type, as per the convention defined for variables, with the addition of the prefix v for void.

  • API function names start with the name of the file in which they are defined. For example vTaskDelete is defined in tasks.c, and has a void return type.



  • Macros are pre-fixed with the file in which they are defined. The pre-fix is lower case. For example, configUSE_PREEMPTION is defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h.

  • Other than the pre-fix, macros are written in all upper case, and use an underscore to separate words.
