如何简化 python 日志代码

How to simplify python logging code

我想记录我的任何函数的 start/end - 如何将此代码简化为包装器或其他东西?

def srv_dev(destination=development):
    logging.info("Start task " + str(inspect.stack()[0][3]).upper())
    configure(file_server, destination)
    logging.info("End task " + str(inspect.stack()[0][3]).upper()) 

您可以使用 decorator(您已经通过 @task() 执行的操作)。这是一个装饰器,它以大写字母开头和结尾记录任何函数的名称:

import logging
import inspect
import functools

def log_begin_end(func):
    """This is a decorator that logs the name of `func` (in capital letters).

    The name is logged at the beginning and end of the function execution.

    def new_func(*args, **kwargs):

        logging.info("Start task " + func.__name__.upper())
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        logging.info("End task " + func.__name__.upper())
        return result

    return new_func


def myfunc(x,y,z):
    pass  # or do whatever you want


def srv_dev(destination=development):
    configure(file_server, destination)

现在调用 srv_dev() 将记录:

Start task SRV_DEV

End task SRV_DEV