为什么在此 MSpec 测试中出现 NullReferenceException?

Why do I get a NullReferenceException in this MSpec test?

所以我安装了这些 nuget 包:


我使用 NCrunch。我有这个规格:

namespace GlobPatternMatching.Tests
    using FluentAssertions;

    using Machine.Fakes;
    using Machine.Specifications;

    public class When_Given_Literal : WithSubject<GlobMatching>
        private static string pattern = "path";

        private static string[] result;

        private Establish context => () =>
                pattern = "path";

        private Because of => () => result = Subject.GetGlobs(pattern);

        private It should_return_path_in_the_array = () =>


namespace GlobPatternMatching
    using System;

    public class GlobMatching
        public string[] GetGlobs(string pattern)
            return pattern.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

直接进行 TDD,我得到空引用异常。当我调试时,我无法逐步执行该方法,并且所有规范 class 字段均为空.....

我不觉得我遗漏了什么,但如果你不介意看一看并弄清楚我在这里做错了什么,那会很好。我正在使用最新的 VS2015、NCrunch 等...


private Establish context => () =>
    pattern = "path";

private Because of => () => result = Subject.GetGlobs(pattern);

我用 => 代替了 =.....

// ----------------------\/-------
private Establish context = () =>
    pattern = "path";

// ----------------\/------------    
private Because of = () => result = Subject.GetGlobs(pattern);