如何正确地在 Swift 中的变异结构上创建惰性派生 属性?

How to properly make a lazy derived property on a mutating struct in Swift?


(失败)选项 1:已生成 属性


(失败)选项 2:延迟加载 属性

如果它是惰性的 属性,则计算只进行一次……永远。因此,一旦结构发生变异,派生值就会错误,并且不会重新计算。此外,如果我从结构中分配一个常量值,我将无法访问 属性。

在Swift 1.2 中是否有任何可能的解决方案,或者我是否需要提交雷达?

struct Struct {
    var value: Int

    // Option 1: Generated property
    var derivedValue: Int {
        println("Doing expensive calculation")
        return self.value * 2

    // Option 2: Lazy property
    lazy var derivedValue: Int = {
        println("Doing expensive calculation")
        return self.value * 2

    init(value: Int) {
        self.value = value

    mutating func mutate() {
        value = random()

var test = Struct(value: 2)
test.derivedValue // If not lazy, expensive calculation is done again here
test.derivedValue // If lazy, this has wrong value

let test2 = test
test2.derivedValue // Compiler error if using lazy implementation


首先,您有点误用了 lazy 属性 的概念。你只能有 lazy stored properties 因为懒惰所做的只是延迟执行,直到它第一次执行。从那时起,该值就是 属性 中的 stored。您正在处理不能以这种方式使用的计算 属性 。您当然可以提交雷达,但我认为这是一个失败的原因,因为您的用例在 IMO 中不是有效的惰性案例。


选项 1 - 使用 Class 和 属性 观察者

class Calculator {
    var value: Int {
        didSet {
            valueChanged = true

    var valueChanged = false

    var derivedValue: Int {
        if valueChanged {
            println("Doing expensive calculation")
            valueChanged = false

        return self.value * 2

    init(value: Int) {
        self.value = value

    func mutate() {
        value = random()

这里的优点是您仍然可以在调用 属性 时延迟计算 derivedValue。缺点是您不再使用 "by value" 对象。

选项 2 - 在 Mutate 方法中计算昂贵的值

struct SortOfLazyCalculator {
    var value: Int
    var expensiveComputedValue: Int = 0 // just guessing
    var derivedValue: Int {
        return self.value * 2

    init(value: Int) {
        self.value = value

    mutating func mutate() {
        value = random()
        expensiveComputedValue = random() // not sure what the expensive calculation is

这种方法的优点是你仍然可以保留你的 "by value" 对象,但你必须在突变时计算昂贵的值。您不能在 derivedValue 属性 中执行此操作,因为您不能在计算的 属性 中为结构更改 self

选项 3 - 使用静态结构监视值更改

struct Struct {
    var value: Int
    var derivedValue: Int {
        struct Static { static var previousValue: Int? }

        if Static.previousValue == nil {
            println("Setting previous value since it is nil")
            Static.previousValue = value

        if value != Static.previousValue! {
            println("Doing expensive calculation")
            Static.previousValue = value

        return self.value * 2

    init(value: Int) {
        self.value = value

    mutating func mutate() {
        value = random()

这种方法允许您保留 "by value" 对象,同时还允许您延迟计算昂贵的值。不过,这里的主要问题是这仅适用于单个对象。如果您正在创建多个对象,这是一个糟糕的方法。


不幸的是,这不是懒惰 属性 的有效用例。但是,还有其他方法可以解决此问题。希望其中一个就足够了。根据您提供的所有信息,我大胆猜测 选项 2 可能是您最好的选择。

使用嵌入式 class 绕过了改变结构的限制。这使您可以使用按值类型,该类型不会 运行 昂贵的计算直到需要它们,但之后仍会记住结果。

下面的示例 Number 结构以您描述的方式计算并记住其平方 属性。数学本身效率低得离谱,但它是说明解决方案的简单方法。

struct Number {

    // Store a cache in a nested class.
    // The struct only contains a reference to the class, not the class itself,
    // so the struct cannot prevent the class from mutating.
    private class Cache {
        var square: Int?
        var multiples: [Int: Int] = [:]
    private var cache = Cache()

    // Empty the cache whenever the struct mutates.
    var value: Int {
        willSet {
            cache = Cache()

    // Prevent Swift from generating an unwanted default initializer.
    // (i.e. init(cache: Number.Cache, value: Int))
    init(value: Int) {
        self.value = value

    var square: Int {
        // If the computed variable has been cached...
        if let result = cache.square {

            // ...return it.
            print("I’m glad I don’t have to do that again.")
            return result
        } else {

            // Otherwise perform the expensive calculation...
            print("This is taking forever!")
            var result = 0
            for var i = 1; i <= value; ++i {
                result += value

            // ...store the result to the cache...
            cache.square = result

            // ...and return it.
                return result

    // A more complex example that caches the varying results
    // of performing an expensive operation on an input parameter.
    func multiple(coefficient: Int) -> Int {
        if let result = cache.multiples[coefficient] {
            return result
        } else {

            var result = 0
            for var i = 1; i <= coefficient; ++i {
                result += value

            cache.multiples[coefficient] = result
                return result


// The expensive calculation only happens once...
var number = Number(value: 1000)
let a = number.square // “This is taking forever!”
let b = number.square // “I’m glad I don’t have to do that again.”
let c = number.square // “I’m glad I don’t have to do that again.”

// Unless there has been a mutation since last time.
number.value = 10000
let d = number.square // “This is taking forever!”
let e = number.square // “I’m glad I don’t have to do that again.”

// The cache even persists across copies...
var anotherNumber = number
let f = anotherNumber.square // “I’m glad I don’t have to do that again.”

// ... until they mutate.
anotherNumber.value = 100
let g = anotherNumber.square // “This is taking forever!”
